
@legodt: It's coming from the Deadbox 360...the new one!!!

Wood grain finish. So glad it died with the 70's and 80's! Although, I do miss the 80's!!!

They look like friendship dildos...

3D in the lead. NOT surprised...

Don't punch monkey to win laptop...that's bad!!!

I can vouch for most of this valuable information! I'm a Senior Graphic Designer at Nomadic Display (far from being a Concept Artist, but at least I'm doing what I went to school for). However, the way I landed my job was somewhat unorthodox.

@I-Gemini-I: You talking about homegirl in the purple mini-skirt that ran across the screen as the journalist was talking?

@TheRevanchist2: Yes, her prospects at E3 are definitely looking up!!!

@Habs: Thank you Habs! You can crouch over here in the corner with me!

@GitEmSteveDave'sPhiltrum: F#ck that little girl & her kitten, f#ck that hobo, and f#ck the world (BP and AT&T agrees with me, so there!). As long as I have my iPhone, all is right and all is in peace and harmony.

Queue in the Kill Bill music!

@KryptonZero: I don't know, it's kinda gay.... but I LIKE IT!

Carelessly leaving stuff like that behind? They deserved it. Let that be a lesson learned.

As I discussed previously on Gizmodo on Corporate America hiring ass-backward monkeys to run the company, while the big man upstairs sits back to collect the checks and does absolutely nothing to help handle or fix any problems until Judgment day arrives. This is exactly my point.

Come on Microsoft Xbox, spit it out... Will we be able to transfer our current HDD stuff into this one with ease? Or will you make it as complicated as it was originally???

Commence the Police and Civilian mishaps!!!

That and the music combine, I'm getting a Family Guy moment mixed with Porn Groove...