
Appreciating "the joy of life"??? I believe, this little fellow can vouch for that!

@BigGreenMonster: Yeh, last that I checked, I believe that Alfred had something to do with this...

They had SUPER SEX!!! and now they make super baby!

Boy = Delightful

@tomsomething: Feel o' vision!!! Now there's a concept I can jump on!!!

James Cameron is one of those figures in the media lime light that's suffering from the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" syndrome. I honestly don't know why so many of the folks on Giz is knocking Cameron for any effort he's trying to invest in this whole ordeal.

Out doors in broad day light in front of the neighbors??? Only in Europe my friends, only in Europe... =)

Or find the eyes on this one...Natal! Choose wisely!

@Xeraphim: Good point... You know the very ironic thing about most Apple advocates is that they are Xbox 360 advocates as well. Wouldn't be too surprised if the Microsoft store had a dedicated Xbox 360 section and that was one of the things they begin to push on the crowd as a hook.

@valdesjon: A little late there with that statement brother... =P

@dagwud: Hahaha, don't get me wrong, the HTC Pure is a great phone, but man would it take a near actual competent IT guy to be able to handle that phone. The numerous tweaks, registry key adjustments, fondling with the OS itself just to get it to stop sucking the battery life and RAM usage out of my phone was

@Kaiser-Machead: Great analogy! Only difference between that "person" and the "nuclear physicist", is the nuclear physicist has a much more precise and calculated outlook on the entire situation. Good point tho!!!

@Darnitol: I don't remember Cooper stating that he "hates" Apple what so ever. He has a personal preference and it just so happens to not be an iPhone. Can't really put that against him.

@dagwud: Your patience is admired! If I were you, I'd keep doing my research and keep your options broad. I rushed in early this year and got an HTC Pure running on Windows Mobile 6.5. Yeh, shame on me!!!

@Akhen: Your right, it doesn't "require" you to be an inventor to say what Martin Cooper stated. However, it does say A LOT when someone like him says it.

Soo Jesus, when you were a boy, you imagined you were a 50 ft. girl with a yellow shirt and black short shorts on fighting with planes and little plastic soldiers? Very interesting imagination!

Sorry missy, those boots aren't gonna save you when he comes a knockin'...