
At this point, I think some of the smaller youtube outfits are much more interesting than TG. Even a certain someone with a carmax warranty who we won’t name. TG is just a pompous pageant, in which I’m learning nothing. I’d rather watch Torchinsky fall through the rotting wood frame of a hand-made Romanian car in

I’m sure being JUST AS BACKWARDS as Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia in regards to personal freedoms and rights for legal immigrants is immensely cheering to the backwards xenophobic fuckwads who came up with the ridiculous ban.

I get that you don’t want to understand, but this isn’t allowed.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

So we’re these guys. Doesn’t look scary or fascist at all.

You fucking dumbass, no Navy unit serves a president (aside from that president being a US citizen like any other US citizen). We’re not in Chile or the Philippines or Thailand.

Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?

This is how dictatorships begin and people are disappeared.

See: every other claim Trump has made, ever.

How long until he flies AF1 ?

Why? Because every time some asshole with no insurance, or not enough insurance, put himself through a windshield we all ended up paying his hospital bills.

When considering the value of each franchise, and the degree to which the espionage extended, it’s an incredibly huge white collar crime. The only reason the sentence is shocking is because so many other white collar criminals have gotten off so lightly.

Okay Deadspin, you got a man from one of the most hated teams in America put in jail for 46 months.

“But Obama...” Nuh uh. Shush.

As long as this continues, I will always bring this up:

hillary just as bad! right?! FUCKING E-MAILS RIGHT?!

That’s my rep! Jerry Nadler has a spine of steel. He refused to attend the inaguration and has been outspoken from the outset of this horror. He’s a real fighter!

Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren voted for Sessions as AG. How does that equate to resistance?

Looks like a grab and run repossession. He’ll likely square it away once he is out of sight of the very recently previous owner.