
/In some ways, it is evidence that The Process worked.

The green room for this thing is going have to be dismantled by a biohazard team and buried in a mountain to deal with radioactive levels of cigar smoke and farty self aggrandizing delusion. And schilling hasn’t even signed on yet!

This could very well be an end run around that. Wondering if they come with a note mentioning how much a booster admires the rings.

I would like this button to be on everything I own.

Didn’t know that! Checklist for next model definitely needs to have “trouble free entry and exit” at the top.

The chassis tearing issue is crazy. I’ve read that it was their first wholly CAD designed chassis and that they didn’t back that up with old timey mathematics and testing which seems beyond belief. I mean, you gotta get that much right.

I love the idea of doors being in “beta mode”. That’s some first class new economy disruption right there!

Is the defense aware this match has started? There are 4 flat footed dudes watching him up close as he strikes the ball. Obviously voting Leave.

That requires more effort than the damn goal. If you really listen it becomes hard to tell where ¡Gol! ends and reality begins.

Did you read this story because that is exactly what it says. This is a fee imposed by the city not the owners. But that actually goes to the owners. That's deceptive. Anyway, it seems like you should be arguing with Barry, Eckstein and the initial report.

Are you saying the story is wrong or my interpretation of it? Because how is this not deceptive?

The city is saying that they have a 50/50 split when in fact they are putting in far more money than the owners. So the scamee is thetaxpayers who are being lied to.

>That was unsaveable

Eh, he’s not stopping that anyway. It literally could not have been struck any better.

If this had any chance why launch it in a place that generally requires a car to commute and then make everday drives the only vehicles eligible?

While I come to Burneko for immensely enjoyable, top shelf hyperbole, “all he did was eat Steph Curry alive,” is a bit much no? The story of the seemingly doofus rising to the occasion is always attractive but a salt of the earth’s coaches take would be, “great job staying with it!” Because he was pretty much beat a

I thought it would be at least three days before people started floating, "How injured was Curry?" musings.

Better than what? Because I know you aren’t going to say better than an actual burrito. In fact, there is no such thing as a burrito bowl outside of a nightmarish marketing department meeting. You are referring to a bean salad. Now, say to yourself, “bean salads are better than burritos!!” Do you still believe it?

Truth is more like it. The man looked small and deflated after every miss like he was annoyed things weren't following the script.

/when suddenly whatever needed to be done