Louise Monroe

I loved this episode. Joan is right to want her own place. I ship them hard though. I think there's a strong case to be made that Sherlock is in love with her. Maybe he dooesn't even realize it but his jealousy of herand Mycroft and wanting her to live with him so much… it's a codependency that goes deeper than a

They're all very strong willed though, which is why I love them all. They stand up for themselves.

Agreed. I mean, I loved the first episode, but this one introduced too many characters and stuff I don't care about at all, and spent too much time on them.

We didn't see his death on camera so just like JimmySteve on Shameless, we'll see when we see. They might bring him back when/if his real life problems get figured out.

I don't know how they'll explain it. Maybe JJS got shot and thrown from the boat but survived somehow, had to lay low/create a new identity…I don't know. I enjoyed seeing Fiona without him for a season, but i'm happy he's alive because I wasn't satisfied with how that had "wrapped up" in season 3.

Oh I bet Emmy IS NOT pissed off. She loves JC! I kind of love that the cast didn't know (if that is true, I gotta get on twitter)

I disagree, all that matters to the story is what is shown on screen. The majority of viewers don't keep up with showrunner interviews. The show shows what it shows. If it's not shown, it's up for interpretation until it IS shown. As many suspected, he's alive! and LOL I love it. Of course that was the tag to the

I love that he apeeared so much. Very interested to see how that'll play out.

I laughed out loud when JimmyJackSteve pulled up close to the house. I LOVE it! I love Shameless. I love that he's alive. I had resigned to the idea that he wouldn't be appearing this season so I loved it! Because come on, they couldn't leave it like that! They didn't SHOW WHAT HAPPENED WHEN HE WALKED TOWARDS THE

I will miss this show!

This is a stellar show. I don't like that it's being submitted in the comedy category though because Emmy Rossum really had a shot this season for dramatic performance, I felt.

Are you being serious or sarcastic? Fitz completely had that slap coming. He's horrible to Mellie and the hugest hypocrite on the planet. And you're incapable of having sympathy for anyone who attacks their spouse? even if in self defense or to protect their kids?

I'm really heartbroken by this. I know he'll be in the next episode so I hope I can say goodbye to the character in a less horrible way.

Lip is by far my least favorite Gallagher sibling.

That episode was amazing and there are SO many moving parts to this show, the number of character and sets and extras, like the college party and the club Ian dances at. So many great scenes! That Ian/Mickey kiss! Fiona "saying goodnight to the kids"…I love this show a a lot.

I don't get the B either. This show is not only a breath of freah air, but beautifuly made. Stunning and intelligent. And cool!

Katherine has been 80% of my enjoyment of this season, not excited that she'll be gone for a while. Delena is so stupid, not looking forward to get back to that. Elena is such a moron for tolerating Damon's bullshit. At this point he should just own it and say "Elena, you know that if you hurt my feelings i'll have

I don't know where I know that actress from but I like her character. I liked the judge too.

OMG Was not ready for the gut punch of that episode! Liam needs to be okay!

For pandering it was pretty weak, if I was a shipper, i'd be disappointed it happened in such na afterthought way. It was like 10 seconds of making out, no shirtless Klaus, no scene after the fact too see it it rocked their worlds, nothing really. Even Bonnie/Jeremy was hotter and more meaningful.
Also, Tyler/Caroline