
Who the hell let you out of the greys ????????

Wow, that is some twisted mind fuck right there. You’ve done a great job completely buying the lies that anyone can have the ‘Murican dream, while ignoring how everything works to keep the poor that way (but able to buy stuff with credit they can leverage into buying other made up BS in the stock market).

ok boomer

no, sexism, male entitlement, and self-importance made him do it.

*Bob voice* Gene

More hated than North?


I hope Gwen Ihnat’s neighbors read this and give her kids extra candy.

Me too! I am working so hard on shameless eating and on the wholeI think I’m pretty good at it now. But it took WORK and I still have really bad days. Being able to recognize “I am sad and so I am going to eat a bag of chips and that won’t fix anything but it will help me get through the immediate moment” rather than

I hope, for your kids sake, that they have grandparents that foil your plans.


Let them have all the candy they want. But tell them they have to sit at the table to eat it, not just shove it mindlessly into their faces. They’ll enjoy it more and eat less of it at one time.

My parents were both anti sugar and anti snack food, probably stemming from their own individual (& cultural) issues with food. The “finding wrappers everywhere” is painfully familiar, as I would hide and hoard it away. I always got caught and shamed. My parents demanded to know why I didn’t know better. I was 15? And

seems like you’re the one with the issue, not the kids.

“Do not believe in demeaning people we disagree with if we don’t have a legitimate position to debate”

Yeah, liberals ruin everything. Now a minor character on a show no one has watched since the late 90s and has aired nearly 700 episodes won’t be in new episodes. TRUMP 2020!

“They didn’t capture the ESSENCE, man! It’s PURE.”

completely missed the goddamn point of what Power Rangers was

Power Rangers was” a half hour children’s show about giant monster puppets and the heroes who stab them largely produced with footage from an unrelated Japanese television show.  

SIDEBAR: Someone trucking out “SJW” is automatic license to entirely dismiss their moronic ass.