
This was a great episode of Robert’s Hamburgers. It was especially funny when Tina solved the quintuple-homicide with Sideshow Bob. C+

Red Zone Cuba? Night Train to Mundo Fine as sung by John Carradine is a stone-cold classic!

MST3K is one of the few things i can count on to cheer me up when i’m blue.

I have literally never heard a dem refer to a black person as a ‘coon’, but if you thought you could get away with using that by falsely claiming it’s the left’s new favorite word, well, at least you got to say it. So... Here goes. Prepare to get nuked from orbit.

Can’t spell anarchist without “narc.”

This has been one thing that has always upset me about internet and TMZ culture.

“Rape and sexual assault are okay” is not just “wrongthink,” you asshole. 

Agree, the “I don’t have any politics” thing is super frustrating because it’s a byproduct of privilege. You probably don’t have to worry about politics if you are a straight wealthy white male. But if you have to worry about your family being deported, or about not being able to get the medical services you need

“trolling” is such a BS excuse. 99% of the time, the person doing the so-called trolling believes emphatically the reprehensible shit they are spewing — they just want to use the word “trolling” as an escape hatch to avoid social consequences of being a total piece of shit.

How do you not go with BlackHawke Sex?

Interesting how The Simpsons can theoretically exist in both universes.

Does anyone know if Cloyd is a reference to the moon man of the same name from the old Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons, or is it just a coincidence? (I know Groening loves R&B, and there are a few other references I did catch, like the idiot character sounding like one of the standard voices from the show.)

Looks more like a frog than Fozzie to me...

I was in college when the Simpsons debuted and it was so revolutionary at the time. I believe to really appreciate those episodes, you really had to be there and old enogh to appreciate just what the sitcom and animation landscapes were like.

So not only did I miss my Liberal Agenda Newsletter but apparently I missed my Gay Agenda Newsletter too? I’m so behind the times on my Deep State approved talking points smh

Cuz all liberal men are gay and all liberal women are butch lesbians, so they all hate bikinis!

No, but there is a scene where the dad breaks a promise to see his son do something so he can meet with a pompous, demanding client, only to have a worried looking secretary stick her head in the meeting room and say, with a concerned look on her face, “It’s your wife on the phone, something about your son” and then

Tom and Aaron are going to the mall. I know this because you just provided a clear example of how one could word the sentence without using pronouns.

Imagine being this angry at being told trans people are real

Hence the Belcher family. Huh? What do you mean they're fictional!?