
Hat happened to an acquaintance of mine. Her baby died. She attempted a second home birth, was rushed to the hospital, and a c section and that baby lived.

omg if I was a panda and I was in Justin Trudeau’s lap I would have been all like

We have a baby hippo here at the LA Zoo and my mom is crazy in love with her. She bought us a membership just so we can go visit Rosie regularly. I fully expect us to be on the news one day, with her riding Rosie like a horse out of the zoo, screaming, “You’ll never catch me!” and then me behind her with a meerkat

Amy Adams has been my secret girlfriend ever since Enchanted. If I ever meet this David O. Russell (if that’s even his real name) I will punch him in the nose and then kick him in his naughty bits.

I totally pictured this:

As a mom by adoption, it really disturbs me to see so many folks equate motherhood with biology. This child would not exist if not for Sherri Shepherd. She’s chosen not to act like a mother to the child, but she IS responsible for the kid being on this planet. The child may be lucky to NOT grow up in the same house

So I went on one of the Harry Potter rides shortly after it first opened a couple of years ago. It got stuck halfway through, and we wound up with our asses stuck in the air for 10 minutes while they turned on the lights (which kind of ruined the whole effect) and told us to please be patient.

Trash and Vaudeville having to relocate sincerely breaks my heart. I’m glad Jimmy will continue on elsewhere, but the store has been there in St. Marks since 1975. >:|

It’s one of those shows I watch sometimes, when I need something on in the background, because I can’t fucking figure it out. It is crazy, but not like Sleepy Hollow — Sleepy Hollow’s game is pretty obviously just to be as entertainingly bananas as possible with American revolutionary history, as well as mythology in

Baby aardvarks? They look like the cutest-possible combination of piglets and bunnies, they’re amazing.

Another example of how science is *oh so very important* - and that we can’t *ever* let the immature superstitious theocrats hijack curriculums, legislation, etc. and take us back to the dark ages.

Yeah, after this correction, where it seems like Meryl is not saying “white people count as diversity” (which is ludicrous) but “I can relate to films from other cultures because we share a common humanity,” (which is utterly uncontroversial) the people who need redemption (which still seems like a strong word) are

Good for her. My aunt was given 4-5 months to live, unless she went on chemo which would—possibly—have extended her life for another year. But, the entire time would be spent in chemo, and mostly in a hospital. She told her oncologist ‘No, thanks. I’m going camping.’ And she did. And was happy. RIP Aunt Jean!

My great Aunt Gerri was diagnosed with leukemia last January. Instead of fighting it, due to her advanced age, she and her family decided that palliative care was the way to go and they brought in hospice care. She died two months later, but her pain was under control, she got to spend time with her grandkids and

Cellulose is literally the most abundant organic polymer on the planet, existing as a key cell wall structural component of every single goddamn fruit, vegetable, and grain you’ve ever eaten.

She (he?) does look to be pretty good at sitting on that couch. My guy has never quite figured it out.

My dachshund Waffles went full Luftwaffles over that German shorthair. I’m nervous.

I’ve kind of hated dog shows since some snobby whippet lady met my dog in the park and told me, unprompted, that he was a beautiful dog but could never make it in the ring because his ears are malformed. Um, excuse me lady, your soul is malformed, all dogs are perfect in every way, especially Bash.

I think Duncan burned her on Twitter:

The Gaga tribute was everything I feared: Messy, off-key, all image and no music, all about her. MEH at best, insulting at worst. Sorry, Bowie. You were a legend and you got an extended Gaga For Intel commercial. You deserved a hell of a lot better.