
Yes, and the things people consider options when they’re that crippled by anxiety aren’t automatically good options or the best course of action. I do some pretty unhealthy things to avoid one of my panic attack triggers. Her doctors were literally doing their job by offering some “pushback” before signing off on an

In defense of those doctors, an organ transplant is a really big deal and comes with lifelong consequences, and they were right to “pushback” and make sure CBT and all other options had been tried and failed before doing something that drastic. I really sympathize with this woman and have anxiety issues and a couple

I initially read that as “kinky Jew”, and thought to myself: “well of course a 99-year old woman in Miami would find a kinky Jew on her chest, it’s probably her husband”.

It’s probably just a harmless sloth.
See the resemblance:

Bowie will forever be my version of god. Therefore I love you for this.


Why is the default for diversity automatically African-American?

i just choke laughed. NOW i’m officially dead.

That was so salty, my wedding ring is getting a little tight on my finger from all the water retention it caused.

I was excited for The Night Manager before, but that trailer has me turned up to 11. Hiddleston—sexy. Laurie—sexy. Olivia Coleman? Amazing!

I prefer Randy to Monty.

Rest in peace you beautiful man.

Hey Duggar!

If Oscar Isaac isn’t going to be mine then I don’t want to see him with anyone other than Gary.

Yeah, I’m going totally hijack this for David Bowie.

Well she supports dictators who rob, rape and massacre their own people so it’s a bit fucked up to be upset about this. She’s literal human garbage. Fuck her.

Still no mention of my mum and the cheesecake, so I’m just going to post it here.