
Agreed. I'm not a huge fan of Ana Marie Cox so I haven't listened to "With Friends Like These" yet, but I'm going to give it a try because of Savage.

I have to admit, with all the he said-she said with Tyler and Rita, I was very surprised to find out that particular story was true. It makes me cringe to even think about it, for various reasons.

If it helps, if you keep listening you do find out later that he wasn't always like that, and possible reason(s) for why he changed.

Exactly. This isn't a diatribe against all animals in captivitiy; it's specifically about the social structure of killer whales and how disrupting that structure and keeping them captive can seriously compromise the mental state of the whales. How "they" can tell us how incredibly intelligent orcas are in one breath

Agreed. I haven't followed the Sandman movie drama over the years, but i recently read a book that chronicles scripts/concepts that got stuck in development hell, including Sandman. The changes the studio wanted to make were so utterly ridiculous that I'm thankful no script ever made it to screen. If they're going