Louise Belcher Was Framed

People really need to listen to the podcast because it’s much more balanced than the show. The “documentary” glossed over a lot of Joe’s horrific abuse of animals.

I feel bad for the lhasa apso glued to his head.

I listened to a podcast not long ago (which I now can’t locate) about how some people now think all the bizarre construction had nothing to do with guilt or ghosts and poor Sarah was just a frustrated architect with a lot of money and time on her hands.

I saw The Empire Strikes Back and Back to the Future next door at Century 22 in the 80s. According to a friend who visited a couple years ago, the Mystery House has an awesome arcade for people waiting for their tours to start. 

Waking the Dead was a Sunday morning staple in my house for years.

This is so timely for me because I recently started watching The Young & the Restless again after having only vaguely kept tabs on it via watching when I visit my mom. It’s so soothing to check back in with characters I’ve ‘known’ since I was a kid. My mom and grandmother watched lots of soaps, so I’m also thoroughly

Well done, Tracy.

My brother and SIL were inspired to take pottery classes themselves. SIL loves it, brother found it incredibly frustrating. They made mugs and little dishes for a few people as Christmas gifts and I absolutely cried when I opened it.

Most, if not all, of the episodes are on YouTube. Fantastic show.

I like the way he is covering up his balls.

I have a big pile of books across several genres that I want to read but haven’t been able to focus on anything for long enough to get past the first page. Might try rereading Howl’s Moving Castle.

I loved the Laid Back Camp anime so, so much!

This year, the TV ratings were down 16 percent from last year, beaten by the Democratic debate and CBS reruns.

Dad is probably in the other room playing Call of Duty with the headphones on.

That concept of “deserve” is the hardest thing for non-Americans to understand about our healthcare system and the attitudes that shape it. I work with a lot of clients outside the US and even the more conservative ones can’t wrap their minds around the rampant social Darwinism here. 

This. I have a good friend with major eating & compulsive exercise issues who cannot miss an episode of TBL because of the tidal wave of validation it provides.

OMG, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I was forced to switch insurance plans recently to a Major HMO which meant seeing a brand new GP and trying to condense 30 years of medical history into a 7 minute visit. I hadn’t been able to run or even walk regularly for over a year due to plantar fasciitis, but all she

Agreed, and definitely check out the Guardian article linked above because it’s also excellent. My jaw literally dropped several times while reading it.

I owned this jumpsuit in high school/college, paid for with my own hard-earned money from summer jobs. Keep in mind that I am short and pear-shaped so have absolutely no business wearing anything like this. My college roommate took one look at it when I was unpacking and laughed so hard tears were squirting from her

“Boobs on the bias” made me snort giggle so violently my cat ran out of the room.