Louise Belcher Was Framed

That was a fun episode which I originally only watched because of Daniel Radcliffe and Jodie Comer were on. Rebel Wilson has a law degree!

I read a kind of sad interview with her recently where she talked about how her kids didn’t know she was successful until they were older and their friends told them, and how her ex-husbands were dismissive of her career. She wrote at night mostly because the family stuff came first.

I used to be a magazine junkie but stopped buying them and subscribing when I first got laid off to cut expenses. Then I realized that all most mags do is encourage me to buy stuff I don’t need. Real Simple is the worst: sure, you can solve that First World problem really simply... by buying more stuff!

Meredith’s bodice isn’t cut right either.

You worked for Trip Hawkins too, eh?

Hallmark men are pretty disposable. My mom and I liked the Good Witch (or Smug Witch as we like to call her) but the swapping out of love interests just got too weird.

Right? Ross corporate is next door to the building I used to work in and they have an amazing cafe that’s open to anyone so we’d go there for lunch a lot. The employees all dress very nicely and their offices are brand-new, well-lit, spacious and lovely. We’re like, have you people ever been inside your own stores??

I’m very disappointed that Jenny McCarthy did not make good on her promise to impale herself on the Peacock’s beak.

What is most sad is that Theranos is by no means atypical of Silicon Valley companies. I’ve worked here since the mid 90's and the only really surprising thing is how many big names invested but didn’t question very deeply. (Although when a decent-looking woman walks into room at most of these companies, common sense

“I guess it’s better than ‘Young Folks’ and that anxiety-inducing whistle.”

My best friend in elementary school ended up going to a different junior high and high school but we were (are) still pretty close. Somehow for reasons I now can’t recall, I told her that I was dating the guy I’d had a crush on for years though in reality he only knew me as that kind of weird girl who sat next to him

Nick Cannon’s remark “We have just witnessed greatness from the Monster,” was so profound that I plan to cross-stitch it on a sampler.

I would love this gift. My brother got me watching The Great Pottery Throw Down on YouTube and now I really want to take classes but they’re few and far between in my area. Just a lot of those paint & take places.

There are a couple of theories on the grape thing: 1) that nurses discouraged people from bringing candy, and 2) it was believed that grapes were especially healthy based on a book written in the 20's in which a woman claimed to have cured herself of cancer by eating grapes.

I cannot fathom how people drive past Harris Ranch on the 5 and think, “Wow, I could really go for a steak about now!” The stench is putrid for literally 15 minutes before you even get to it.

I think I need to rewatch Deep Space Nine soon.

In every episode, Underwood is shown shirtless and showering, as if teasing a forbidden fruit

Right? I’ve read romance on and off since high school and while the readers and authors are among the smartest and most interesting women I’ve encountered, the shaming is fierce, especially from other women. The covers do not help, unfortunately, and a key reason why romance readers are a huge force in driving the

That’s because they’re too busy judging the women who read romances.

This is my favorite show at the moment and my friends think I’ve lost my mind. I’m convinced that the Bee is Patti LaBelle (bakeware refers to her sweet potato pie and peach cobbler at Walmart), and the Peacock is Donny Osmond (the wig is from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat).