Louise Belcher Was Framed

I developed a massive crush on Mark Phillips when I was a horse-crazy kid in the 70s and saw his photo in some annual or other. He turns out to be not the brightest bunny in the forest, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the horsey branch of the family.

I pictured Ocean City while reading the list.

My ovaries just exploded.

“Everybody in Oakland loves him, and these visits were a blast.”

Yes, and my mom was positive it was going to hit her. For weeks she literally looked up into the sky every time she walked outside. She also thinks electricity leaks out of sockets when there’s no plug in them.

I keep staring at the first selfie trying to figure out what is off about the face. It’s saying “vinyl doll” to me, not “human being.”

I miss shopping at Bullocks! When they shut down all the stores in the 80s, I scored an impressive pile of Esprit clothing at fantastic prices. We were not fancy enough for the Bullocks Wilshire branches, however.

Thank you for recommending this. I got it from the library yesterday and am already halfway through. Had never heard of this author before and now I want to read all the things!

I was home sick yesterday and very much wanted to binge Coffee Prince, which I am only halfway through, but ended up sleeping for like six hours. A total waste of a sick day!

I would be seriously put out if my car followed me into my home from the garage, much less from room to room. And if it tried to jump in my lap, we’d have strong words once I got out of the hospital.

Oh no, I am so sorry.

I think of this nearly every time I greet my cat.

and when I hear the sound of seagulls it is because I am at the beach,

It debuts on my birthday! I might be crying right now.

I thought it was entertaining. Glad to see they’re giving it another chance.

OMG, thank you! This is used in so many trailers for “uplifting” films (and on the Oscars, I think?) and I can never place it.

I was just telling my mom the other day how much classical and jazz I was exposed to by watching Bugs Bunny and Charlie Brown.

I started hating Chris Harrison after he appeared up on a daytime show a few years back and was just so gleefully mean about the women. Dude, we know this isn’t prestige television and they do sign up for it, but no need to be so blatantly cynical and misogynistic.

My mom had the full Litton lineup! I think she only ever used the very first general one, though. The rest sat on the bottom shelf gathering dust next to the slip-covered Time Life series.

Totally. I have six of my great grandmother’s recipe boxes and they contain a good percentage of recipes cut from labels, newspapers and magazine ads. She also had a giant pile of those booklets produced by food companies and appliance manufacturers where a lot of the best WTF’ery can be found as the poor editors