Now don’t you go condoning arson, too!
Now don’t you go condoning arson, too!
That top image is like porn for me. The highlight of my week used to be going to browse all the magazine racks at Borders.
That’s ok, they’re busy getting ready for the End Times now that Trump’s helped jump start that (they believe) by naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. All the sluts will be in that sweet fiery death soon enough, I guess.
The man knows baseball, and he was pretty good with the Olympic stuff. No idea about his football knowledge.
That’s perfect then, because this guy is definitely not a leather shoe.
Amazing how no one ever wants to discuss Eric Rudolph’s acts of terrorism, or how he managed to “hide” for years.
My mom has been anti-Karolyi for years so when I texted her yesterday about the training camp, I was stunned that she hadn’t heard about it at all, despite having CNN going nearly 24/7. Big news today now that Aly is speaking. Only news when it involves a gold medalist, apparently.
OMG, I was just reminded of that goddamn family the other day. I had no idea they’d committed other atrocities beyond Christmas Jammies.
I’ve put gomasio on popcorn. Also Mike’s Hot Honey is delicious.
I had been using the regular veggie version until recently because I’m cheap and shopping at Costco sends me into a murderous rage, but the local Sprouts only had the organic and what a difference!
Though why’d he have to drag poor Zuke into it?
Great minds think alike! All the stars.
I live in California very close to some areas that were burned to extra crispy this year, and have an earthquake bug-out bag at the ready. Also my rent is driving me into poverty. No place is perfect.
After being ghosted by the first person I’d felt was a real possibility in my entire adult life (I was 37), my therapist at the time, who had been online dating for many years with mixed results, said she had come to the conclusion that many men (probably also women) were in it for the thrill and validation of someone…
I flew home from Portland on Tuesday evening and everybody seemed to have a dog with them. I felt underprepared.
Well ok, that one sucks, too.
Laziest, most cynically phoned-in money-grab song ever.
I believe she is fervently anti-YC, like many Candletubers, for being “not strong enough.”
Yay, Storm Watch! I eke out short burns of my large jar to make it last.
Blech, even worse.