Well, you're a lady so everything you do is for attention. Don't even try to live an authentic life; we know women are not authentic. They exist in the minds of other people.
Well, you're a lady so everything you do is for attention. Don't even try to live an authentic life; we know women are not authentic. They exist in the minds of other people.
Well I'm taking a screenwriting class that starts on Tuesday so I think I should just go ahead and quit my job, right?
Don't be so close minded. She could be a Solar Atlantean, which is a thing I just thought of and probably exists as a result.
Without sound... all I'm getting is "David Bowie".
I started cackling when I saw his tattoo.
Good for you! More time to eat your user name.
And with the code INEEDAHANDBAGHDAD get $10000 off.
I went to grab some tampons at CVS but Idris was already there getting some for my girlfriend. I lost that battle too.
Pics of Jormungandr or it didn't happen. I am not accepting pictures of oarfish.
Yo, Mayan prophecy, Im really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Ragnarok was one of the best apocalypses of all time.
Erzsébet Báthory Cleansing Wash pour Homme.
This was earned
Or, alternatively, go to the local bar and see the entire population of Antarctica there and say hi to someone.
Women grew up with brother and envied them their anatomy.
Pro-Life Man Tries to Protect Chicken Fetuses with Gun