
that stone has seen some shit.

Who laid a jade egg in your cornflakes?

I will give Paltrow credit for one thing though: she is sincere. I honestly beleive this woman buys into every bit of this shit. Yeah part of it could be that she’s a pretentious self-absorbed snob but I really do think the buys this alt-healing shit.

So, by this logic, if one egg is going to make things better... many eggs should make it bester. Yeah, you’re gonna sound like you’re carrying a pool hall in your snizz, but think about all the chi!

Like many things Deadpool, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and if it were coming from anyone but Deadpool, we wouldnt like it.

Actually, no, the TSA has always been ass. I’d expect it to get worse no matter who is in the oval office. Because it was created to be a bandaid on a zit where the bleeding wound was elsewhere.

I’m sure that eventually, to make money, the TSA will start fining people arbitary amounts. “You attempted to bring on a carry on too large for the plane. You’ll be fined $10,000 and the bear will be conficsated and destroyed in front of your child’s eyes while a TSA agent holds her and tells her how awful her parents