
That's a healthy way of going into the discussion, and good on you for engaging in it! If you were to put me on a spectrum, you'd probably pin me somewhere overall at "Center-left-left." I've got a few issues I'm very much moderate-liberal on, more I'm much more Left on, and even a couple where you could straight-up

Where did I make this "a feminism thing" or suggest your vote was informed by gender? I just, in my description of her, used the noun "woman" in regards to Hillary Clinton. If you see that as spin, friend, that's on you.

That's fair and totally your choice. I'd also say you probably answered @rantingswede:disqus by your comment that you didn't stay home. All of the responses I've made to you have been based on what you have freely chosen to share. My point was just that while the individual vote is private, the impact of the vote

Well, I'd disagree with "intolerant." I disagree with your decision, for the reasons given, but I pretty clearly stated (somewhere) that it's your vote to do with as you please. But we're on a discussion board, and you made your private vote a matter of public discourse, so here we are discoursing.

Response to edit:

To your objection that non-voters are seen as protests against Clinton, rather than both Clinton and Trump, you're right. It was equally against both. But there's the rub. If your vote (not your opinion, but your vote) equated the two, a lot of people here will, I'm sure, question your reasoning.

That's the thing, though. It isn't your personal business, and a cop-out to claim it as such. And your staying at home impacts those down-race ballots too, so we're not just talking about Trump here. Your votes are matters of civic responsibilities, not personal expression. Or at least they should be, just my

And how about we work for the future, getting involved early in the primary process, finding good candidates (and there are a LOT of Dems running for Congress! That's great!), and working to get the best ones chosen?

Last I saw, there was a poll which had 33% of those polled favoring "single payer." (This was from Pew in June) Where'd you see the vast majority of the nation wanting single payer? Serious question.

Not what he said, friend. He made a criticism, not a call for exclusion. And I'm perfectly willing to call out anyone on the Left (far Left, center Left) who's not willing to compromise with the other side to stand up to the Rightists of this country. I'm also willing to hold hands with those who disagreed with me

I know a lot of Sanders voters who were very sensitive, active people. They worked hard for their candidate, were disappointed when he didn't win, and then turned their efforts towards defeating Trump in the general, which sadly came short.

Yeah, but I'm sure a lot of people in Michigan said the same thing. "She's bound to win here, so I'll make my Protest Vote. But if I lived in Virginia or North Carolina, I'd vote for her, because then it'd matter."

As many commentators have said, it would have put the Democrats in a really sticky position, perhaps splitting the Party between people who want to obstruct anything with Trump's name on it, and those who would have been willing to work with him.

Yeah, but Lincoln was a smart, smart man. We'll never know if he'd have been able to tamp down future problems better than what happened (though since what happened was Andrew Johnson, it seems possible).

At Saratoga, the most important battlefield of the Revolutionary War, there's a plaque to a hero of the Battle. His name is nowhere mentioned, and the statue is of the leg he lost there, not his likeness. The hero, of course, is Benedict Arnold. And Arnold does not get statues to him in America because he betrayed

What… is that… THAT'S ZMF'S MUSIC!! What's he doing here?

Crap. I got the link off of TIF, and I don't have my password on my phone. I'll see if I can remember it.

My wife. I love you honey!

You know, I JUST read the article and comment section where you got your shtick from. Here, at the end of all things, I finally get you Avenged Sevenfold Fan. I finally get you.