I guess I don't know who you're talking about. Cynics?
I guess I don't know who you're talking about. Cynics?
I think it's different. I was all for taking a look at the skeletons in Hillary's closet. Most of them were absolutely nothing. There were some areas I disagreed with her on, and those were things I'd have held her to task on, had she become president. (She's too pro-Israel for my tastes) *I voted for her in the…
Don't get me started. Some of my kin come from up around the Thumb, and it's Confederate flags galore in that part. I want to ask those dumbasses if they realize there's a very good chance they had ancestors who were shot at by people flying that flag of treason.
It's the second one. And that more people who vote Democratic don't pay attention to the mid-terms. 2010? Mid-term election AND when legislatures were put in play that could redistrict with the census results. Impact? I live in one of the most gerrymandered districts in the country (MI-11), which will never go…
They're not typos. They're misspellings. At least the first one.That may seem nit-picky, but it's not. If I accidentally hir the "r" button instead of "t," that happens. Embarrassing, hope spell check gets it, but it's happened to us all.
Nooo-cle-ar VINT-er, OOOHH-ooohh-OOOHH!
Turn your land to SNOOOOW.
He was out for #1, just like the Donster. But he also knew you had to look out for the community and occasionally take care of the hooples so that your entire operation didn't go tits-up.
Like sands through the hourglass-shaped trophy wife…
Yeah, as an ardent atheist (alliteration! ayyy!)… Anyway, I'm with crowTrobot. There are a lot of asshole atheists out there, just like asshole theists.
Erik, you're a fellow troll? (The under the Mackinac Bridge kind, not the mean on the Internet kind) Good on you!
First show on SyFy that I've been excited about since they cancelled Alphas (the bastards).
AV Club, you rock so much for bringing back coverage of the Expanse. Whovian was talking about picking up the mantle. WHOVIAN!
Love that audiobook.
Oh you are fucking, fucking kidding me here. Late to the party since I couldn't watch this yesterday, but I'm eviscerated now. Tell me, AV Club… does it get better?
If I were in the Press Room during a POTUS news conference, my question would be,
"Mr President*, you've stated that any polls showing a decline in support for you and your policies must be fake. This seems like ignoring all bad news in favor of news that you want to hear. Has there ever been a consideration that…
One of the many pearls of wisdom that Scotty dropped in 'Relics.'
I thought S2 of the Telltale game was really solid—not as good as S1, but that's a pretty high damn standard. Still, you're right that there was some sign of the "rot" that apparently hit the series (I *think* I got through the first season? I honestly can't remember tho. No further than that). I was a little…
I'm in. It's about time I gave something back to the AV Club. Tuesday WOTs, let's do this!
Good catch, though sad.
Hey, it's been two days. Are the AV Club not reviewing The Expanse anymore?