
I’ve been a football fan for literally 50+ years. (Yeah, I’m fucking old. [shrug])

My wife and I frequently visit wineries in the Finger Lakes, and virtually without exception, if you hear some absurdly loud, obnoxious moron in a winery, it turns out he’s wearing a Steelers T-shirt or jersey.

That’s painting with a really broad brush. My wife and I, plus numerous friends and relatives all take excellent care of our cars, don’t abuse them, etc., yet have no patience for selling them on our own. I’ve done that several times in the past and had some good experiences but more bad ones.  Life’s too short to

Congrats, ladies! You’ve shown you can be just as big a bunch of assholes as male athletes. Another victory for equality.

The helmet thing is a “personal matter to him”, so that makes it OK? Great! I look forward to other stars in the NFL insisting they get to wear a different color jersey or play by their own rules because it’s a “personal matter”.

Wait — PLEASE don’t tell us that you think the people who push the anti-abortion bullshit actually give a flying fuck about abortion. The right winger push that button because they know it’s a reliable way to get their mouth breathing, knuckle dragging voters to haul their sorry asses to the polls, so Republicans can

Yeppers. Went to a few NFL games years ago and had to put up with drunken fights in the stands, grossly overpriced everything, a parking lot of of Mad Max extras after the game, etc. My 65" TV, cheap drinks/snacks, and sitting next to my wife beat the shit out of that “in-game experience” every time.

The WYTS pieces are, by far, my favorite things on this site, which is sayin’ something.

What, no chest thumping from the Tesla fanbois? Must not be an EV site, where ANY mention of Tesla (or any other car, for that matter) brings out the Tesla fans in packs.

Agreed, but I wouldn't get nuts with the term of the suspension.  Twenty years should be enough.

Agreed.  If I want half-assed content I’ll wander over to slashdot.

Ugh. Grossly oversized, characterless box, built and then bought by people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

There was a time when I had considerable sympathy for athletes who wind up in these situations, whether through their own idiocy or their being scammed. Not any more. As other have pointed out, when you’re talking about literally tens of millions of dollars of income in a short time, you don’t need to invest in a

And yet you’re here voicing this complaint and not posting it on The Twitter? For shame!

No, these are not the things that “every vehicle needs”. Most of the items mentioned in this article don’t exist on my electric car, which is one of the really nice benefits of driving on electrons — no oil changes, no oil filter changes, no exhaust system or emissions equipment issues, no spark plug worries, etc.

Thank you for reminding me that he married Upton. I definitely won’t sleep much tonight over the sound of my grinding teeth...

This isn’t just plain old, garden variety mind blowing, it’s fucking mind blowing.

Don’t forget the “we have to get revenge on Those People for electing a Black Man, twice!”

Yep. This situation is quickly turning into the perfect example of a league (or other large organization) doing something with good intentions but grossly screwing it up because it didn’t appreciate the concept of unintended consequences.

And I would advise him to do what you suggested AND contact the author and pay her top dollar for an original piece of art, then do a self with her and the framed work. It would cost this billionaire virtually nothing, do something genuinely nice for the artist, and he’d be a hero across the internet.