Yep. Hang out on the electric cars sites for a while and you’ll see just how bad the Musk Derangement Syndrome is.
Yep. Hang out on the electric cars sites for a while and you’ll see just how bad the Musk Derangement Syndrome is.
Yes, he’s being an unforgivable asshole in this instance. And some of his recent behavior — just ask “pedo guy” — was even worse.
I can’t imagine it, either. I was lucky enough to be born into a society that thinks I’m “normal” and doesn’t leap to ridiculous conclusions about me for any of several non-reasons everyone here could likely guess.
Oy. That took a turn.
After “2 goals in 17 seconds” cost Boston a cup on home ice years ago, I saw footage of some local reporter doing “person on the street” interviews with Bruins fans leaving the arena. It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in sports.
The only hockey game that I found more satisfying than this one was Chicago and two goals in 17 seconds. Saw it in real time on TV and several times since, and it still leaves me shaking my head.
Watching two of my favorite ex-Sabres guys, O’Reilly and Ott, get a cup was fun. Watching a teary eyed cheap shot artist like Marchand have to accept it... priceless.
Glad to see this article, but I have an even easier, lower overhead route:
Glad to see this article, but I have an even easier, lower overhead route:
You sound like one of those people who goes through life trying to find every excuse possible to limit the scope of his/her responsibilities. Spoiler alert: Aiming for a more balanced and nuanced path through life not only makes you a better person, it's a lot more fun, too.
Yep. Count me and my wife among the people like you. We detest making a scene in a public place like a restaurant.
I think that conclusion is a bit of a reach. Given what’s on the line in the play him/sit him decision, and how much doctors can differ on the prognosis and even diagnosis of seemingly straightforward conditions, I would hope the team and Durant would insist on consulting with several doctors, getting multiple MRIs,…
And MLB continues to show that it’s even more clueless than the NHL. Baseball is still hand wringing over the length of games and should we or shouldn’t we use robo umps, when BS like this “fight” and their endlessly asinine unwritten rules are what keeps a lot of fans -- including ex-fans, like me -- away from the…
Strongly agree with the “analog desk” idea. For me, the best thing to do when I’m stuck is to “go analog” and bust out my set of different color Sharpies and start drawing, outlining, mind mapping, etc. on an 18x24 pad. For really big projects I keep a roll of 36"-wide brown paper handy. (Available at Lowe’s and Home…
Slow down there, buckaroo. Next thing we know, you’ll be suggesting the players wear some sort of facial protection to prevent them from getting hit in the face by pucks and sticks. This is the NHL. We can't have radical notions like that sloshing about unabated.
Very nicely done. And out of respect for your piece I will refrain from writing a similar comment-template comment.
I would not rule out this incident being her de facto campaign announcement.
And here's your high, inside star, you magnificent bastard.
I don’t know if you’re joking, but I know I’m not when I say your comment perfectly sums up my mindset right now re:sports.
LeBron as himself guarantees the movie never gets made, as he’ll get one director and major cast member after another fired, insist on endless rewrites, etc.
Play the sad trombone clip here for MLB as they, in time, find out that all the fans this latest NFL nonsense alienates won’t turn to baseball.