
The problem here is that ESPN can’t escape news that’s not “which team beat which team and by how much”.  In other words, they’re taking the same path so many other media outlets do re:news: They’re making editorial decisions based on short term profits and not journalism.

I believe your characterizing it as “extremely problematic” is an example of conspicuously delicate phrasing.

Damn, I need a cigarette after reading that.

While I am sure he won’t do literally anything, I’m quite confident that where he draws that line would make just about anyone here cringe and possibly projectile vomit.

Definitely better in Boston. I will never forget the “fan on the street” interviews immediately after the Bruins lost the cup thanks to two goals in 17 seconds.  I’ve never seen anything in sports that beautiful or satisfying.

A few observations:

As long as you have fans parked in front of billboard size HD TVs watching high quality replays from multiple angles, this festering mess will never go away in any of the major sports. You can’t abolish replay, and if you let teams challenge literally everything, you open up a big ol’ can of unintended consequences.

The league is trying harder to be more proactive.

The two groups of people I hate more than I can express are:

With millions of fans seeing very high quality replays from multiple angles on their billboard-size HD TVs, sports have to confront a basic question: Do we intentionally let some infractions go unpunished because they’re very close calls, even when reviewed? If their answer is no, then we have endless arguing over

Pro sports are still trying to figure out replay, and it will take a while.

Strongly agree with the “create your own products” part of your comment. I’ve done that, and sold online and via arts and crafts shows, and it can be an insane amount of work, often for a minimal amount of return.

If the circumstances are just right, meaning the child’s age, the surroundings, the parents’ approachability, etc. I’ve found that juggling for the child can do wonders. Find anything handy that’s juggle-able and do something simple, like a basic 3-ball shower (the simplest possible pattern with more than 2 balls),

Fuck intent. Penalize the action, which was dangerous and just plain dirty.

And the NYG think releasing this video HELPS their case?  Really...?

For me, one of the litmus tests is when someone says that all you have to do is “add (or remove) X to (from) your diet” to achieve wondrous results. Unless they’re talking about removing something that’s wildly bad for you [insert list of harmful drugs here], the odds are pretty high they're pushing a modern day

Yes, BM is a steaming bucket of shit for actions like this. You’ll get zero argument from me on that, and I will be one of the people cheering the loudest if someone cross checks half his teeth out.

And miss the inevitable 100+ hours of diva-licious drama the NBA has virtually lined up?  I DON’T BLOODY THINK SO!!!


I am sorry to hear of your loss. While I suspect it’s not the thing you want to hear (yet again), I can say that with enough time, the pain will ease and you will gain unexpected perspective on your relationship with your mother and your life after hers.