
The women coming forward now have said they did it because of Trump’s flat-out denial in the second debate. All things considered, I think that’s a very credible scenario, even more so than any Evil Plot involving the Clintons, Paul Ryan, Trump’s talking hamster, etc.

I’ve been making exactly this argument since Trump announced he was running. Nothing we know about Trump and the presidency says that he would want that insanely difficult job for a day, let alone years. So why are so few people willing to recognize what’s going on? (Simple: Democrats don’t want to admit they’re

About 95% of the time, when I hear someone complain about “political correctness”, it’s really code language for, “I want to talk and act like an asshole, and I don’t want anyone to criticize me for it.”

Bingo. If they dump Trump, they lose a large portion of the votes that would go to him AND to down ticket Republicans. They’d lose the WH, the Senate, and almost surely even the House, which most people thought until now was all but impossible.

Can we finally, at long last, admit the obvious? This asshat never wanted to be president. He’s scamming the entire country and the political system for the sake of self-promotion. He wants to build the biggest customer base possible for his act, lose the election, and then launch media projects using his favorite

So we’ve determined beyond all doubt that Trump is not only the guy you wouldn’t trust your business to, but he’s also the guy you wouldn’t let date your daughter.

The just plain assholery in this country is running rampant. How the hell does someone assume that “JLester34" is Lester Holt without even clicking on it to be sure?

GJ is the perfect candidate for the average American Libertarian, or, more accurately, American flirting with being a Libertarian with little or no understanding of how the world really works.

[slow, appreciative clap]

Cheeto Satan.

Don’t toy with me.

But on a semi-serious note, how far down the depth chart do the Patriots have to go and keep winning before we all start saying, “Wait a minute — maybe Brady isn’t God in cleats, after all...?”

It was the Browns QB of calls.

Taking this outside the discussion at hand, I strongly agree that the notion that a team made mistakes or didn’t play a perfect game disqualifies them from complaining about bad officiating. This caveman thinking is present in all sports, to some extent, but it’s really rampant in the NHL. Listen to retired NHLers on

Nothing here surprises me, but it’s still infuriating.

While I agree with this in principle, I wonder what practical benefit there is. And yes, I’m thinking of the most rabid, rancid Trump supporters who are punching people and screaming “hang the bitch” about Clinton at rallies. I’ve recently found out that some friends and relatives are so ideologically poisoned that

Without the voice of reason, every faith is its own curse.

Trust me, it’s easier to walk away than you think.

And I am 100% certain that not only won’t Trump nose dive in polls after this landfill inferno last night, but at least once today I will hear someone I know claim that “there’s no difference between Clinton and Trump”.

My thought, exactly. The hotel room incident sounded like he was drunk off his ass or there was something else going on, like CTE. But adding this story really starts to make a case that he needs professional help.