This. I’ve been in CO for 8 years now, and there is no debate. Hatch is the king.
This. I’ve been in CO for 8 years now, and there is no debate. Hatch is the king.
Thank you for mentioning this. Hominy is delicious and underappreciated in most of the US.
If you ate the marrow from earthenware cups afterwards, you could call the dish Bone, Mugs, and Hominy.
One thing you have to consider is that people in the US might not have access to all the ingredients we’re used to (I live on the Mexico side of the border). So the food is a good approximation, but not as good.
It's a great dish but why not add hominy and call it what it actually is, Pozole Verde. Add drained canned hominy at the end after cooking to warm up or add dry hominy before you start the pressure cooking process. It’s the key unique flavor that makes the dish, and it’s awesome.
As a college instructor, this is a quintessential “it’s the end of the semester and I have to grade 50 more of these, so I really can’t be bothered to give a fuck” grade. If she had submitted that in February it would be a different story.
I figured Hulk burning up immediately and Tony not burning up was an indication of will.
Doesn’t everyone snap with their middle finger?
which does not have the Iron Gauntlet, which was presumably custom-made to support the Stones
He’s reclaiming his identity as a hero. Being Iron Man was about protecting people, and it’s clear that he never fully turned away from that, especially now that he has a family to protect. Family, according to Yinsen in the first Iron Man film, was the one treasure Tony didn’t have.
You will find in the deleted scenes on the blu-ray that Scott taught him close-up magic while they were building the time machine.
Yeah, I thought the scene was a little on-the-nose as it unfolded, but then I quickly realized that it wasn’t for me in the first place. There was a tween girl a few seats down from me who yelped and excitedly clapped, and that’s awesome. I don’t give a shit about whether or not it was “earned.”
Before I saw the words ‘in the script’ in this headline, I swear I thought it was going to be ‘Tony Stark’s big Avengers: Endgame moment wasn’t earned’. Which is something I would definitely expect to see from this site, given how it’s already told women the same thing about the A-Force moment because sexual politics…
Wow, this wasn’t even close. Allison, in a walk.
Well yeah. Just combine the 3 cheeses, drop the processing that turns the texture plastic-y and gummy, thank you.
Should You Eat St. Louis-Style Pizza?
A Guide
Schlock-holm Syndrome
“It’s a curious vehicle to be sure, especially if you’re not used to it; it can taste a little plastic-y and gummy to the unaccustomed palate.”
Almost every restaurant on this list is too expensive for many consumers. I took my daughters to Qdoba last week and a bowl of nachos cost $9! That’s nuts. Just chips and queso was $4.50.
If it was a sit down restaurant with full service, I could understand. But for a place where you stand in line like a cafeteria, it…
Qdoba is like if Chipotle served hot food, didn’t give you food poisoning, and the chicken wasn’t horribly bitter. Wait, how’s that like Chipotle? Anyway, I like Qdoba, their flavors are good, portions are good, chips are good, their quesos and guac are good; I don’t love their salsas, but they offer enough else that…