
Looks like breaded chicken to me.

Maybe the lead photo should be of an actual egg mcmuffin, huh?

Let me know when red meat and cigarettes are finally recognized for their healing properties...

Brine the bird overnight, spatchcock that mutha clucka, dry rub over and under the skin, then lay that bird breast side up on a Weber charcoal grill. When the breast hits 158-160 degrees(F), remove that glamorous gobbler from grill, cover with foil and let rest for half an hour. (the temp will continue to climb, don’t

Brine the bird overnight, spatchcock that mutha clucka, dry rub over and under the skin, then lay that bird breast

Express lane to skin cancer around the anus? I’ll pass...

I will never not smirk at the word, “Creepypasta”

I don’t think I can ever fully describe my complete soul-crushing disappointment upon defeating Borderlands 1, and having it start all over at the beginning again - as if I’d be interested in repeating any of that shit.

Always loved this show.

“one a fucking Oscar”

We all lose when Sony makes bad Spider Man movies. And they will... once or twice, until they get the point.

Sony just screwed the pooch...

Well, I can add this to my list of “Don’t Buy” beers. As soon as InBev swoops in, I swoop out.

The next time you are in the frozen foods section, pay attention to how much space Frozen Broccoli takes up compared to any other vegetable.  You may seem some correlation with this study!

How ridiculous.

Are you SERIOUSLY going to attach a picture of Bob Moog with his Moog modular synth on a story about a Don Buchla synthesizer? The differences between these two men, their synthesizers, their design philosophies could not be more polar opposite. These two minds defined the difference between East Coast and West Coast

Hot Sauce has always been my go-to salad dressing.  El Yucateco FTW.

Pho = “Fatality” in this competition.  Three letters to defeat all other suggestions.

On the other hand, this is MUCH better than being bought out by the “water factories”. Cigar City in Tampa and Oskar Blues in Colorado made a similar move, and I haven’t seen any negative impact on either of them (yet)

I would easily put 90-Minute IPA in my personal to 10, and the very few times I’ve had the pleasure of the 120-Minute IPA, that is in a league of its own - (hard to even call it beer when one bottle will cross your eyes and make you sit down for a while)

That tiny little budge, and the fact that Thor noticed it, led me to believe he was worthy in that scene. He put on a good show, and left it sitting.