minus the damned mayo, this sounds good. Mayo isn’t food (I know, unpopular opinion... but that shit is gross.)
minus the damned mayo, this sounds good. Mayo isn’t food (I know, unpopular opinion... but that shit is gross.)
that was an enjoyable read, sir!
Call me when five of them form into one larger one!
Hahaha!!! That Rainbow Culture is still a minority... and we still make the Corvette here, which “has all the right curves”
I keep jerky, peanuts, sunflower seeds in my go bag...
If I had an excess of both cash and time... I still would not be this badass.
umm... I doubt Fallout is big in China though... us making them out as the bomb-dropping enemy and all... but I could easily be wrong about that...
“You will never convince me that Apple didn’t pay them very large sums of money to push Android aside for awhile”
I think by the time this arrives for Android, most people will have heard enough of the “Farmville Shelter” reviews to have lost interest...
That is indeed a viable possibility.
Same reason Apple managed to keep HBO-GO an Apple-only launch until Game of Thrones S5 was over?
Thanks for your reply / review. By the time this is available for Android; I’ll probably have zero interest in playing it.
So... is there ZERO talk about Android release for this?
“I’m sad to report that building a vault does not require you to maintain some fucked up social experiment, as canon vaults do, but still!”
“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”
“But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it.”
A garage full of weapons, armor, comic books... I assume the Vault 111 survivor has been “active” way before encountering the dog on the street. If that isn’t his “home” he would definitely pause to raid the place, (I would)
My brother just pointed out to me that the “mysterious” guy in the hat has a robotic hand... just sayin.
Release date?
I certainly remember when we called XP, “Xtra Problems”
I am not ashamed that I laughed out loud at this... Thank you!