This makes more sense in the workspace than any touchscreen interface. Gaming peripherals at work... whoda thunk it?
I have long believed, that high and above all other fast food chains... Hardeez/Carls Jr REALLLY hates humanity, and is doing its very best to wipe us out.
God Damned Jim Belushi!
Been married almost 19 years, and have ZERO regrets over not having kids.
great video footage... why in the HELL did they have to add that horrible music track? That’s the soundtrack to a ruined wet dream right there!
I bet he could put a sign over the stall door that features the two-way mirror; and it would attract the exhibitionist types. Hell, that would probably become a “feature” of the establishment that draws more customers these days...
I’ve never been anti-Subway - but the last several times I have eaten there, I’ve had the worst digestive issues. Taco Bell is easier on my gut than this place.
(that’s about how I felt at the end of it...)
So, the lightsaber that is being handed off... that’s Vader’s, right?
Is it weird that I have a boner right now?
In terms of helping with addiction, anonymity is always respected. But an AA sponsor is neither a priest or a lawyer. If someone describes their own criminal activity, regardless of their AA affiliation; taking the matter to the police is the responsible thing to do.
dragging a window to the top of one monitor, where it snaps in place and maximizes is a big feature for me. I’m digging your mix of vertical and horizontal aspects btw!
I miss the hell out of this game...
The way to really stand out these days is to not use the online sites. Meeting someone in the "real world" - where nuances in dialog, facial expressions, and real human chemistry can be sensed makes a huge difference in that essential first impression.
Just bring the team to Netflix, call it "NextGear" to avoid legal hassles, and turn it up to 11!
I am suddenly feeling digitally hungry.
One day, the dutch oven with rimmed lid will be mine. Buddy of mine has one, and it is perfect for a campfire breakfast casserole!
One day, the dutch oven with rimmed lid will be mine. Buddy of mine has one, and it is perfect for a campfire…
Might I just say, your profile name is awesome!
Might I just say, your profile name is awesome!