
I'm not sure why the ginger is served with everything either. Normally, if there is a variety of nigiri or different rolls on the plate, the ginger is a "palette cleanser" between bites.

I've read that it is "supposed to be" finger food... the whole purpose for the bite-size design... (but I always feel like some primitive punk if I touch it with my fingers!)

Oddly enough, Sushi is meant to be eaten with fingers...

I agree with you. I do. But, unfortunately no one is truly held accountable on Kickstarter if a list like this is even possible. Half a million dollars, and... *POOF* "Sorry, we quit."

"lowlife slabs of shit"

We are simply on a different timeline. The introduction of Facebook and Twitter shifted our collective focus away from making the cool stuff we were supposed to have in 2015. We have only ourselves to blame.

Silent Running! Agreed.

You are not alone. I found the first book to be very dry and drawn out. Never finished it.

perfectly stated!

When I had my vasectomy 12 years ago, I had to be put completely under for it. Complicated situation, blah blah blah, I don't even remember the specifics of why; but was relieved to know I wouldn't be awake for it.

The same way Microsoft treated desktop users with Windows 8...


Walken looks like he would be glad to be stabbed at this point...

No good for salt water though... true story.

Yuengling is a great "lawnmower" beer. A cold drinkable beer with marginally more flavor than the average "sex in a canoe" American Pilsner... (yep, f*cking close to water)

none of the above.

"there are a thousand things that could go wrong"

(full of win)

If Disney can be so cavalier about killing the game projects that were in progress before firing the rest of LucasArts... They should really get a grip on what gamers want from the Star Wars universe!

That IS an option... but, I want something as fun with modern graphics! And, any other spacecraft from the horrid pre-trilogy that might have some distinct advantages.