Seems to be a possibility these days... and I'd pay good money on a couple of Princess Bride Lego sets!
Seems to be a possibility these days... and I'd pay good money on a couple of Princess Bride Lego sets!
MY brother-in-law was lead developer for X-wing vs. Tie Fighter. Hard to believe how long ago that was... and harder to believe we don't have a modern take on the concept.
My best friend from childhood and I tried to create a scoring system for our creations, but never perfected it.
I call shenanigans! Rename this post so it makes sense.
How convenient that an ad for that Linksys router appears in the left column? Oh, and a much larger ad at the bottom of the page. Just call an advertisement an advertisement; and swallow all the corporate c0ck you can get... WTF!
Is it wrong that I like her already?
What, no "Shaneequa?"
I guess I tend to forget there is a whole "ceremony" for this crap.
Thank you for the clarification!
THANK YOU for this! Holy hell, got the day off right...
I'm sure Harris had the barstool ready for him ;)
DAt's wicked fonny!
Ahh... I always cracked up over the VW Monk...
You just won my *HERO OF THE INTERNET* award for stating this so perfectly!
The area around Chernobyl is remarkably alive... although granted, there was no actual blast zone around that disaster.
Fallout: Miami/Everglades/the Keys/Cuba? That would be interesting.
Or that it's just a standard, unmodified, Correlian freighter... Not a unique ship.
put a wirescreen shelf midway in the cabinet. Airflow over top and bottom of the Macbook.
A bit of tobacco from a cigarette works wonders to stop bleeding. I use this on small cuts after shaving from time to time. Hold it in place for a minute or two, and the bleeding will stop. Learned this from a Japanese friend in college.