It’s the Turing test in reverse.
It’s the Turing test in reverse.
Fortunately we’ll have plenty of work in the coal mines soon!
So did Janet Reno!
The best chance to have that lifted was the TTIP, which would harmonize a lot of safety regulations between the US and the EU.
I will give you one guess about the prospects for TTIP’s implementation now.
I love Waterworld, because the thing I thought the Road Warrior was missing was a lot of swimming.
So, THAT’s how you make people become celibate.
I think it depends on when (and where) you graduated. By ‘96 things were pretty good. 91-95, not so much.
By ‘99 we were all getting rich by fleecing people out of their IPO money. Or so I’m told. I didn’t actually get a taste of that.
Except Ivanka Trump.
Dude, I vividly remember when Gen X was the lazy generation that had it hard. That was before we invented the dotcom bubble, I guess?
Anyway, anyone who thinks that the millennials are special snowflakes in this regard (either in terms of their supposed bad/entitled attitude about life or in terms of the hardships…
You can’t do this *now.*
Can you do this with a quiescent Congress and a different majority on the Supreme Court? Oh, you bet your ass you can.
Don’t forget, Eichman and Texas v. Johnson were both 5-4 decisions, and the fact that Stevens was in the dissent suggests that the issue can cut across normal party lines.
That’s the thing about EVs; they expose the fact that 0-60 doesn’t have a lot to do with what’s actually usable in the real world.
Gah, especially since it would be in Florida.
You spend the time in line counting chads, and when you get to the front of the line an animatronic Pam Bondi kicks you in the groin.
This may or may not be sexist, but Joe was in fact dismissive of a man in a similar position. From his tweet:
“Giuliani and Conway are trying to intimidate the President Elect.
The only way to win is not to play.
The physical affair, sure. That picture suggests that maybe the mental part of the affair lasted a long time—and from the review, it sounds like maybe it’s still lingering.
The one person in this country who may be hoping the recount changes the result more than me is Donald J. Trump.
They actually end up with surprisingly few bureaucrats.
Yes, but it does have a gearbox that comes in all caps. SPEEDSHIFT, man. SPEEDSHIFT!
A badge that says “this car’s turbos spin both ways.”