Maybe there’s a Sixth Sense/Occurence at Owl Creek bridge plot twist at the end?
Maybe there’s a Sixth Sense/Occurence at Owl Creek bridge plot twist at the end?
I think she’s playing the President (?) of the EU, judging by the flags.
The loving closeup of the Caprice Classic badging on the car is my favorite touch. It looks like nothing more than the opening of an episode of CHiPs.
Came here to say that. I feel like this post very much buries the lede—why does she have a deal with it poster? Who made it for her? Can I have one?
It’s always a fucking Camry.
I knew this was satire because of the reference to “heaven.”
Isn’t this basically just a Syclone without the AWD?
By convincing yourself it’s possible to don blackface and make a meta commentary on racism?*
It doesn’t run, but it hums.
Reading the wikipedia entry, I see that one of the rejected name choices was Hambones. So, it could have been worse, I guess.
Looking at the headgear of all these drunk women, all I can think is “fascinating.”
He lost that little plastic bottom thingy, which is a pain I know all too well. #thestruggleisreal.
Wait, are you saying she’s actually Ted Cruz?
“Hey, what’s wrong with this crowd? I’m dying up here”
Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Also, fuck this guy for the Simpson’s reference. He doesn’t deserve to make it.
OTOH, which you rather have—a 2016 Versa, or a 1992 Sentra SE-R?
His latest venture proves one of those things.
Not necessarily. I have GBs worth of bullshit on my hard drive, some of it decades old, which has accumulated because I am lazy and storage is cheap and it is easier to just copy everything than it is to take hours to sort through what I do and don’t need. It’s only once I run out of storage that I start really…
Sounds Russian.