Aztek Dummy

because if anybody else but Asoka had come for Grogu, you would have needed one of the characters turn to the camera and tell the audience who the hell it was. Disney is trying to appeal to a bigger crowd than the folks who watched those crappy clone wars cartoons (in style, not necessarily writing)

tonight on a very special episode of Christina on the Coast....
seriously, now I know why she thinks those kitchens look good

your words say “F” , your score say “B-”
have the courage of your convictions, dude

yet they brought in “Hela, Goddess of Death” and didn’t use her.

there was a joke on the late night talk shows that went “Independence Day was screened at the White House today. A film that depicts the destruction of Washington D.C. , the brutal murder of both houses of Congress and the death of the First Lady. President Bill Clinton declared it ‘the feel good hit of the summer’ “

thank you this has been a fun discussion.
You seemed to be wanting his not getting the new job to cause “family strife” and thats where i got that you wanted more of a reaction than he gave.

Folks who suffer from PTSD DO do exactly what you describe as far as going from doting and involved to distant and uninterested.

he already has a job that is providing a nice life for his family. So he doesn’t get the better job and you’re upset that he doesn’t make a scene about it in the middle of a Christmas party around little kids? .. Whatever.

he is told what his future will be if he did nothing - alienating (sorry about the pun) his

the reason is pretty clear. in adult Muri’s “past” Dan didn’t go on with the mission to hunt down and kill the ship full of aliens in Russia. So he felt like a failure and left his family.

This time he did, saved the planet and stayed with his family.

it wasn’t hard to follow

thank you. Now that we’ve checked the box, can we just get on with enjoying the show now?

can she slot into the Kenobi series?

what about the obvious Doctor Who steal?

i think their running answer is going to be “because THAT was supposed to happen” and move on

Gee, the next thing you know they'll be setting up Darth Vader as an aspirational hero for the disabled.

One of my prized possessions is an autographed copy of the original DVD release of Josie, before it was edited down to a more family friendly version.  She was a real sweetheart  to boot

we got no problem with racism...everybody has as much as they want..

IIRC, all of the current Trek series are using a volume up in Canada

Why didn’t Flash show up as a character witness?

Because any prosecutor worth their salt would have immediately demanded that he reveal his identity.

I hadn’t seen so much distracting “extra” background animation since “Cool World” but i’m not the target audience

it’s “letting the perfect being the enemy of the good”
Perhaps Sam feels that - like the Sokovia accords - if he has a hand on the wheel, he can help steer the boat.

she borrowed it from the “Sexy Captain Kirk” section at the Halloween store?