
Yeah, his presence at a white supremacist rally really points to him as a liberal. Own your shit man. He’s one of you. Coward

Now playing

Fuck Jeremy Christian and fuck your disingenuous question.

You fucking piece of utter and complete shit, it’s terrorism because it cultivates a culture that you white supremacist pieces of shits can harass and even attack innocent people because everybody else might be too afraid to step up and defend their fellow human beings from garbage wastes of evolution like yourself.

Counterpoint: Fuck everything Bay Area.

Gonna have to guess this is his facebook

I’m not a cord-cutter because I like watching live sports on a big TV, which in the case of ESPN is pretty much just the NBA playoffs this time of year, but damn if the ads aren’t so incredibly repetitive and annoying that I’ve ended up just muting every commercial break. Smarmy Chevy guy and his JD Power awards,

My Facebook feed is filled with people crowing about how Trump is finally going after the “Deep State” and that this is what “draining the swamp looks like”.

WTF kind of face is that? Poor guy having to live in Brooklyn with these family people.

People with poor subway etiquette.

Bundy hit Betts in the bottom of the sixth in a 2-0 game, to put the tying run at the plate, with the heart of the order up.

I was pitching to my 3.5-year-old last night and he nailed one over the fence into the neighbor’s yard. He was so excited, jumping up and down and running around. Hurt like hell to hit him in the head with the next pitch.

If Machado didn’t hit home runs and watch them fly this wouldn’t be happening. If he would just strike out every at bat the beef would end. Completely his fault for being a HOTHEAD

Go back to England you redcoat son of a bitch.

Yes. It is sad and pathetic to make fun of the columnist who lobbied for the Iraq War, who regurgitates every dogwhistle of conservative politics with an incongruous “Norman Rockwell by way of Park Avenue” drawl, who personifies the word bloviating, and who is saying in this article that we should be kinder to a


As a lifelong Browns fan and Cleveland native, I have to tell you that Tony Grossi has been this fucking insane for a long, long time.

“I’m not understand Ultra Liberals right now”

If it was the right decision then he should have gone before Congress and made them do their Constitutional job and declare war, a responsibility they’ve been abdicating since Gulf of Tonkin. And if he really wanted to punish Syria and Assad for using chemical weapons, he shouldn’t have told Putin, who took that

President Obama went to congress and asked them to authorize a military action in Syria as a response to the attack. You know... like the Constitution says he should. And congress DENIED that request. Why?

Little known fact - most Major League ballparks will also allow you to bring in whatever food you desire as well. No beverages, but food is cool. My woman and I will usually go and get a nice burrito to bring to the game with us. It’s glorious.