
Kaep also hasn’t been personally shot in the back by seventeen rounds from a policeman’s pistol, so he probably has no experience on the matter

I continue to not have a problem with this.

Regardless of CK’s actions, the important thing is that the fans showed their support by raising a glass of Bud to salute the troops when the PA announcer told them it was time to do so.

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the fetishizing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

I heard that by not standing he is disrespecting puppies and Craig Sager’s fight with cancer. I heard that. Goddammit why am I so fucking angry all the time.

If bloggers fell in to the ocean, sharks wouldn’t eat em cause they’re so burnt

Google Translating this into other languages yields many great results, but my favorite is the English-Korean-English combo:

For what it’s worth, Colin, we agree: The oppression of black Americans remains staggering. But those slave ships haven’t arrived here in over 150 years.

The sweeps-takes starts anew. Send ‘em while they're hot. Bring me your tired, poor, your huddled Twitter eggs yearning to breathe free!

If you want, my mom on Facebook can give you a written digest. I’ll copy/paste her posts and send them to you.

Black on Black Crime? Check.

I was looking for corroborating evidence from a usual suspect (in more ways a suspect than one), but I was too distracted by this equally fire-wielding position:

We’re actually passing on a lot of the worst takes.

Man I don’t understand how you guys have not gotten carpal tunnel syndrome from finding and writing about every shitty Kaepernick take

Browns fans? They’re too beaten down by being manacled to that bloated corpse of a team to be terrible.

Well you kicked my procrastination to the curb (100% serious) and made me want to do something meaningful today. Great coverage of a tough subject.

If CBS values my opinion so much why isn't Kevin James buried neck deep in hippo shit right now?

Damn you causing me to spend $30 bef I even leave the house this morning

Damn you causing me to spend $30 bef I even leave the house this morning

Finebaum would still have cried fowl

Kaepernick should have performed an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary. The only acceptable form of protest.