
“Pass me the oar, N-word Jim”

How crazy would it be if he left a closed-door meeting arm-in-arm with the Mexican president, both of them nodding and weeping? And then President Nieto explains that they will, in fact, finance the wall.

I’m having a hard day, mentally. To make up for it, here’s a comment from the Tampa sports talk station’s Facebook post on this ...

Nearest available shingle that sells it was apparently in some small town near Akron? It’s possible my childhood was full of lies.

But a certain faction of your uncle’s Facebook friends will swear he isn’t on an MLB roster RIGHT THIS MINUTE because of the war on Christianity.

The crux of this whole issue is that many, many Americans think that having a flag pin on your lapel is more important than anything you actually do. There are tons of people who hang flags on their pickup trucks, never taking them down at night or if it rains. That, to me, is far more insulting than a guy not

His protest isn’t disrespectful to us veterans at all. This lifelong Niners fan (who's never been a Kap fan) and veteran never had an issue with his manner of protest.

For decades, (largely, but not exclusively) the conservative movement in the U.S. has worked to infuse the notion of absolute blind loyalty to the military and country into (in place of) the concept of “patriotism.” They realized the political benefits to be had by fomenting outrage at anyone deemed insufficiently

Another former sailor here agrees.

USN vet here: neither myself or any fellow vets I know have a problem with what he's doing.

Of course it’s not, because he never once mentioned anything about veterans or their efforts. No, that connection was made by reflexive morons who work a lot harder on composing their perfect Facebook response than they do actually thinking about what he was talking about. Because thinking is fucking hard, man!

Great. Another African-American quarterback that won’t be standing during the national anthem.

Sadly, not the first bridge/water to suffer structural damage in Minnesota.

I just assume everyone who lives in NYC makes 175K a year, and have no worries. That, or they make 22K a year and live on the subway.

Plus English (sorry, don’t mean to offend) Hot Mustard.

It’s insane that this guy is saying ketchup is better than mustard. Zach is a monster

Damn, average drive length of 5 real time minutes on each side? Who do you think I played for, the Browns?

Road Vaping. That’s what RV stands for.

Driving an RV is sports, imo

To be fair, the union boss did say that killing people is very emotional for a lot of cops, some never have the heart to kill again.