
This comment makes you sound like the out of touch one, seeing that you’re clinging to the beliefs that all cops are good cops, the drug laws aren’t outdated and overly harsh, and you can count the number of transgender people on your fingers and toes.

The one unifying theme was a missing chromosome or two.

I voted for him for the same reason a lot of people voted for Hillary, because I absolutely was not going to vote for the person on the other side. The Clinton family has made a ton of money off of something that was supposed to not be allowed to make people rich...politics. Specifically while under the guise of

Good to know that the only thing keeping a Christian from having you killed for writing words is murder being illegal.

What exactly is your point? You are turned off by people pointing out incidents of racism because you 1) don’t see it yourself because you 2) live in an all white area?

Just because it’s a metaphor it didn’t stop a bunch of dumbasses from treating it like a literal call to action on that plane.

I’m also from Ohio and no longer live there. Cleveland is a gem and the Metroparks are beautiful. I should know, I was at Edgewater Park today.

Nah we know. We knew for the entire campaign cycle. The fact that you think this guy said something of value speaks volumes about you.

So you see no value in reading an informative article about America’s nuclear arsenal. At least you embrace your ignorance.

Dayton is nothing like Cleveland.

Nice to see Metcalf recognized, but the Browns weren’t actually that bad when he played for them.

He forgot about playing for a team he never played for?

Yeah Trump definitely would have taken the major population centers of California, NYC, and Chicago. He just didn’t want them enough.

In 2007 they played a snow game that ended 8-0 Browns. Cleveland would probably take that next week.

A response so perfect, I want it to be sincere.

The Indians can probably get back to the Series with their current lineup. They’ll pick up a couple serviceable bats in the next few months.

So...lie to them?

If they hate nepotism they’re going to hate the fuck out of this administration

Wendy’s has great utensils. So does GRK in the Financial District in NYC, but it’s not a chain yet I don’t think.

I have a college degree and a graduate degree, and worked as a short order cook. Working fast food is much more taxing than what you or I do.