
You’re just trying to provide balance, right?

So somebody on staff doesn’t have a fetish for seeing commenters post the Les Mis Browns photo and Cleveland tourism video as if they were the first?

Why does Deadspin write so many LOL Browns articles? They’re a mostly forgettable team that has actually played pretty well this year all things considered. Yet there are 2-3 articles mocking them per week.. Strikes me as sort of dick-ish piling on.

I loved that issue.

Looks like Trump upgraded his lawyer from the Cooley grad.

I was in DC on 9/11, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was for New Yorkers, by an order of magnitude.

I personally hate it, and I’m a lifelong fan. I think it’s embarrassing. As you’d probably expect the divide is generational. More and more younger fans are opposed to it. The name I can take or leave. I don’t think it’s offensive necessarily but there’s no questioning the logo.

This isn’t true. A lot of people want to change it. There was a fan movement last year of removing Wahoo from jersey sleeves and caps.

As a lifelong Indians fan, I think this was better.

New Hampshire-holing doesn’t have the same ring to it.

And that was due to a phantom PI penalty on a rookie CB who is no longer with the Browns.

What exactly is the point of this? Kessler looked good when he was in. He drove down the field to tie it up. He got hurt. This just reads as the resident Pats fan Massholing it up.

Francona went to Miller, who hadn’t appeared this early in a game since May of 2013.

Our country is full of dummies and middle aged salesmen and engineers looking for somebody to blame for their wives leaving them.

This is my favorite team of my lifetime (1980-present), even ahead of the ‘95 team. Love watching them.

Irrelevant and wrong. Deadly combo.

The Gif of that fan negated all your reasons to root for them.

So the Indians, then.

Nope. Red Sox loss clinched it for Cleveland.

I didn’t either, but you missed a shitstorm on Twitter today. It’s been “Muslims did it” since 9AM. I interjected on something and have been getting @ replies all day.