
No, I realize that you called her as evil as Trump and then directly referenced two federal investigations and equated them, of which only one is actually relevant, not to mention only one of which led to a finding akin to wrongdoing (I say akin because he settled).

No, they really aren’t. If you really believe this then you must be blind and deaf as well as illiterate. If only you could read this.

One was directly related to the subject matter Kaepernick was referring to, and the other was related to file retention policies. That’s about as big of a false equivalency as the Trump campaign is pulling right now in trying to equate his sexism with her being the victim of adultery.

and Latinos and Asians and white women.

Because it’s a pithy thing to say unthinkingly as a truism.

No because in order to win outright on the first possession you have to score a touchdown. By deferring and stopping them you can with with a field goal.

The bigger takeaway is that the Dolphins suck and paid $96 million to extend the next Jay Cutler.

It worked. They got the ball and only needed a field goal to win, but couldn’t get anything done on offense.

The answer to “can we shit on the Browns?” is always yes, but maybe “why?” could be considered on occasion? This scrapheap of a team should have and nearly did win the last two games.

Better keeper: Wiggins or Porzingis? I snagged Porzingis in the last round.

Shorter Clevenger apology: “I was just exercising my 1st Amendment rights when I said the black athletes shouldn’t be exercising theirs.*”

Is educated guy the same thing as tough guy in your eyes?

Ok. I tried twice. You have no idea what you are talking about and don’t understand basic legal concepts when they are explained to you.

That is literally what you are doing. They offered up a positive view of the man, and in response you are saying it is justified to bring up a criminal background. That is the definition of impeaching one’s character. And it’s for trial. Not for somebody who was never even accused of a crime in this instance.

How is impeaching the character of somebody who was not arrested and not on trial for anything “very relevant?” Also which video are you referring to? The one that nobody is permitted to see?

Rest of his criminal history is irrelevant anyway, even though a lot of people these days seem to think summary execution for past indiscretions is justified.

When the 9/11 Memorial opened they were selling a commemorative cheese plate, until the press got wind of it.

You hit all the talking points. They’ve all been disproved countless times, but kudos for going to the well again.

The guy they picked with the Eagles first rounder this year caught two touchdown passes yesterday.

Those same scouts were responsible for the Browns previous draft choices.