
Isn’t the actual security at sporting events usually done by stadium security? I’ve only ever seen cops standing on the field. Brave stance though, threatening to give up overtime.

He’s not going to answer, so I’ll try to field this with a question:

Congratulations on using your forum to criticize him using his. If only yours was larger, you could be mocked appropriately.

Aren’t semiotics great?

He means the royal We.

I’m a Browns fan and read their SB Nation Blog, Dawgs By Nature, though I don’t comment. They’re incredibly polite and police their forums to keep jerks out. All of the Cleveland forums are pleasant, actually. It’s nice considering what you expect when it comes to mainstream sports comments.

I guess. I love Kinja Deals. I’ve bought at least five things we actually needed that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

I guess. I love Kinja Deals. I’ve bought at least five things we actually needed that I wouldn’t have known about

If you’re so terribly concerned with the bankruptcy I assume you read in the articles about it how Kinja Deals has been extremely profitable.

If you’re so terribly concerned with the bankruptcy I assume you read in the articles about it how Kinja Deals has

The Jean Claude Van Johnson pilot on Amazon also does Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn and refers to the character as “N-word Jim.”

No worries. I was like “wait, I was agreeing with him”

I’m saying that your example is spot on. If you click the hypertext in the story the Tweet replies are exactly this. Also I don’t know what a dafuq is.

You’d think that given how saturated the media coverage has been, by now you wouldn’t miss the point so badly.

I’m hoping that since the Browns now have pointy headed Harvard analytics guys instead of Real Football Guys they’re not among them.

Oh, so you clicked on some of those links and read the Tweet replies?

Because it’s cheap and our rent isn’t. I’m a whiskey drinker but that’s the reason.

You developed a hatred for Ohio people because your mom went there to get a Pennsylvania beer?

And Vikings fans are troubled.

The Chargers are only giving the military a pre-season game? Why do they hate our troops?

Ketchup is for children who don’t want to taste food. They just want it to taste like ketchup. That’s why there’s really only one type of ketchup. Mustard pairs with food.
