
Most cops do not treat citizens fairly. Some cops treat some citizens fairly, and the disparity in who gets treated fairly was the reason for this entire act.

You think that’s bad, you should read the awful comments complaining about it.

Boy you’ll feel silly that was your breaking point when you find out it wasn’t a straw man but an actual argument being made in response to Kaepernick’s actions.

The National Anthem has nothing to do with sports. Neither does God Bless America, and people shouldn’t be forced into participating just because they want to watch or play in a game.

Comedy shows are great to go alone to, because they don’t lend themselves to interaction like bands do.

If you could go back to a certain year and start life over, would you and what year would it be?

RE: Jim. I know a guy who lives in Pittsburgh and works in Wheeling.

LePage talks so tough it appears he’s unaware of his own physical condition.

When you call somebody else a racist 8 words after using the n-word, you should have to forfeit a random right at a time to be revealed later, like losing a turn in Candyland.

I haven’t been but my friend’s bar seems pretty sweet.

I’ve been reading Deadspin since the site was launched and am still grey. When Gawker died, so did my only promotion.

If you read the ESPN article that somebody else posted you’d see that most of the prominent Chargers rookies have held out for varying lengths of time in response to unreasonable demands. But blame Bosa’s mom, because it isn’t as if he has an agent and a father who played professional football.

Philly Boy Roy is outraged.

You know five people who have killed people? You hang out with dipshits.

ah, damn it. Didn’t even think to check. Thanks


When I was crying and laughing with joy after the Cavs won the title, all I could think was, “What a soccer-wrestling hybrid that was!”

If that guy had been born closer to Cleveland his team would have more than one playoff win.

I guess this means Bigsexy6969@aol.com also got this email yesterday from the Trump campaign.