
Black Widow has healing powers.

Nobody cares about poor Crossbones.

He’s in the same city as Hawk Harrelson, and he reached that conclusion.

Apparently you weren’t emotionally invested in Crossbones.

Never cared about Cap until I read the Brubaker run. It’ll change your mind.

It was fun. I was entertained. Don’t go in expecting any of the plot line from the Civil War comic.

It was not. We did sloppily make out at the bar on our first date, hence getting engaged there.

I got engaged at the Double Down in NY under the “You Puke, You Clean” sign. The table that was there is gone now, replaced with a booth.

I didn’t actually care when the Pats were doing that, but you’re comparing apples and football. It’s possible to run down the clock in football. Also regular season v. playoffs.

It’s a game. You’re funny.

I’m the same age as Aaron Moorehead, so I feel like I can speak to that long ago generation that occurred between Gen Xers and Millennials. I’m glad my dad didn’t kick my ass for changing my mind about things in high school, like his dad apparently did.

Everybody knows Creep.

I think that’s exactly what he means about TT

The best thing about the “Cavs don’t have a chance against the Spurs or Warriors” narrative is that it only has to be slightly tweaked depending on whether the Cavs are playing well or poorly.

You know it.

Hey! I don’t have kids.

He caught him in Cleveland, too. This is his Grateful Dead.

Me too, and I’m still in the grays.

You forgot, “with a hard on for Russian strongmen .”

My friend’s kid requests Link Wray and Bad Brains.