
The Cavs won 2 of 3 against OKC this year, but the likely scenario is they would beat the Cavs for a title? By what logic?

I think it’s pretty impressive that Ray Liotta is still playing hockey.

I’ve been married almost five years. We have separate finances, for the most part, and are responsible for all of our own student loan and credit card debt. We also have a shared credit union checking/savings account that we contribute to and use for groceries, bigger purchases, as well as a shared credit card.

So does Patrick’s effeminate dad own Deadspin, or what?

It it a requirement to use some form of gay as an insult if you write a letter to Deadspin?

I wonder which police department Patrolman Gill M works for.

Why qualify it with might when it’s a certainty?

It was in response to a lot of assumptions that don’t hold up to close scrutiny. The statement by the NBA is directed at the government of North Carolina via business interests in the state, not the fans.

“Social justice warrior types.”

You may be the only Browns fan who doesn’t realize what a great deal this is. You are our king.

I had it for the first time recently at Jay and Lloyd’s Kosher Deli in Sheepshead Bay, and this was the one thing I didn’t really like about it. Tasted great.

Don’t pretend that eating beef tongue is a common practice in the US among non-Jews and non-Latinos.

Hardly. This opened up a bunch of opportunities, including picking Thomas’s replacement and getting additional first round picks for JT. Best thing that could have happened.

The GOP sends thoughts and prayers.

This seems unlikely.

This. So much garlic.

That either of them would be ranked ahead of Cleveland is an affront to reality.

Clearly heterosexual

The Cavs won by 29 last night. They beat the Hornets the other day and the Hawks before that.

That’s not this column. “What’s wrong with...” is reserved for every column written about the Cavs.