
I guess you’re in luck that they’re reuniting and you can discover them now, then.

Sounds like St. Louis needs to marry a Walmart heir.

Name checks out. Sounds like a Ron.

Just as a follow up, Danny Shelton said he was at the team meeting today.

You didn’t drink or get high in college?

Maybe shut up. There don’t need to be any other Christmas songs.


The backyard pool bears demand a recount.

Poor Chris Christie. Can’t even get Eli, who lives in the state he governs.

Throwing in a gratuitous “the other guy’s worse” after avoiding the substance of the article. Solid kinja.

You come off as gleefully unaware in every one of your responses. The consistency is impressive.

Regardless of whether this response is real or not, it’s beautiful.

You may have forgotten all the things he said about Mexicans since he’s been preoccupied with saying horrible things about Muslims.

Northern Italian snobs

best affordable non-garbage option

What’s wrong with the Ramones?

Freedom to bring up gun rights apropos of nothing is truly our greatest freedom.

Carter just shrugged off brain cancer. I think he could handle a nosebleed.

I’m disappointed mine is so poorly written. I was rushing to finish it at the end of the work week.