
Senior year in high school, my friend had a party when his parents went out of town. In preparing he went so far as to lock everything hanging on the walls away and put tape on the wall indicating what went where (which was quickly rearranged once people got there). Turned into a fairly typical but very well attended

Not only was this unfunny, it’s inaccurate. Kosar is 6’5”

He’s made a name for himself by exploiting Cleveland’s misfortune. Civic treasure is one way to describe him.

Because wherever you live is boring as hell.

You probably also forward radio station memes on Facebook.

I live in New York and am from Cleveland. It’s far from better than New York, but it’s a good place. Most people who mock Cleveland have no real experience with the city.

He says, sans evidence.

In a crowded, chaotic theater against people with automatic weapons and explosives? Sure. Marine Todd would have saved the day.

You just associated the chainiest of chain pizza toppings with hipsters. Maybe that word doesn’t mean what you think it means.

You’re either a non-English speaker or a young child or both.

Queens is conservative?

New York is way bigger than any other American city. The international cities are irrelevant to an argument about talking about an American city in America.

I’ve watched every Browns game this year (I’m a masochist) and I disagree that McCown puts them in a better position to win. McCown has put up good numbers and has then consistently folded when the game was on the line. He puts them in a better position to get 300 receiving yards and throw a coffin nail interception

So did Greg Giraldo.

Concern troll.

Saw more than a few Browns fans calling for him to be brought in as defensive coordinator again. It would be a very Cleveland thing to do.

Despite losing Landry Jones.

New Yorker Shouts and Murmurs.

I didn’t pitch it. Just submitted through the website.

Now that Zach Lowe isn’t available at Grantland, where is a good place to go to get NBA analysis?