Wow, this is some seriously-happy horseshit. Was looking for an early candidate for 2019's Least Enjoyable Post...thanks for chiming in!
Wow, this is some seriously-happy horseshit. Was looking for an early candidate for 2019's Least Enjoyable Post...thanks for chiming in!
If you’re looking for a non-messy shrimp dish, NOLA style BBQ shrimp is NOT it
Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in…
I think I see it at Target year round... I always do the South Park Randy voice when I see it.
Sorry, not buying it. People look for something to be offended about to feed their self-righteousness. My buddy lives in one these described communities and they make fun of crackheads all the time. Lots of stories like this are bull-shit. Maybe if they actually go talk to people in these communities and ask how they…
Mr. Nutmeg, in the Breakfast Nook, with the Pepper Grinder.
To me the ideal would be adding the option to choose a PvP or a PvE server. That way, the people who want to go around being psycho-murderer griefers can have the option to do so with like-minded players. And the people who just want to do their own thing without harassing or being harassed by other players can also…
I think the most expensive burger I ever ate was something like $18 for the burger and fries, and another $2 for the drink. It was definitely worth it, but I wouldn’t go back, either; that’s just too much to spend on an everyday-lunch.
I 98% agree with you that the “war on christmas” hype is way overblown, and I find that it often functions as an unfortunate distraction from actual issues surrounding the role of religion in our society/government. (No, the reason I think you shouldn’t have a nativity scene in the courthouse is not because I hate…
Oh, there’s gotta be something up in State College.
I am inclined to agree (although I did once wait a couple hours for Pliny the Younger, so I’m not immune to this brand of nerdy) but to be fair they’re waiting for the specialty stuff like Prop, not the regular BCBS
THe church is the state!
It’s like they're in some sort of race against themselves to become the most lame state in the country (they already are). The whole state is that one town from Footloose.
I go four cuts, about an inch each at 12, 3, 6, 9. And its Taylor Ham
I was at the restaurant my sister works at with some friends, and this big group next to us had a 9-10-year-old(?) special-needs kid that kept telling his family he didn’t feel well. Over and over. Finally he ran to to the woman’s bathroom but didn’t make it before barfing on some people and then all over the…
That really sucks. My son threw up all over the table, me and the floor once, and I was horrified. We all (the family) jumped to clean it up, but the servers and managers were so nice about it. They were even checking in on me in the bathroom while I was trying to clean me and my son up.
I live in PA, with only state-run liquor stores, so this concept of a fancy/upscale liquor store is completely foreign to me. Not that we don’t have some nicer stores, but I’m picturing something a speakeasy, but retail. Maybe it’s Allison that’s fancy, and not the store.
Someone needs to fund a project where they hire Patrick Stewart to read all of the Jean-Luc Picard memes as if he means them.