I thought she looked really good this episode. Just me? or was that an intentional part of the show?
I thought she looked really good this episode. Just me? or was that an intentional part of the show?
Yeah, i couldn't agree with Carrie. I did not want them to drag out the Blaine/Payton thing. I am so glad it was over. I never really liked it from the go.
I knew Clive was going to be unhappy about losing his secret weapon.
I stopped watching Arrow a couple years back. My main problem was that they kept killing off major characters and then bringing them back to life. Once would be bad enough but after the third time i just couldn't stand it.
Meanwhile a question for you Arrow guys. Has Laurel been killed and brought back yet?
I don't see Major coming from Walla Walla. I figured he was more likely from Ellensburgh.
He said the place was near Liv's home. so it was convenient for her and inconvenient for him. and he probably wasn't aware just how much a ditz that brain was going to turn Liv into. Plus it was funny.
I liked this episode a lot more than Carrie. but one thing I liked was her final comment.
"Who stole the cure? Don E seems like way too easy of an answer, and so does Blaine. Maybe it was Fillmore Graves, since Justin did overhear them talking about the cure previously. Hmmm."
Well, it looks like the group may not be evenly divided. but there is no consensus. so IMHO, thats a win for the writers. they have kept us guessing. By the way, I'm still not so sure it isn't A.
total recall
a. blaine has been faking it all along.
b. blain really had memory loss
c. blain had memory loss but the serum cured it and he isn't admitting it.
d. blain had memory loss and the serum didn't fix it.
e. ?
Would this be a cool possibility? Major doesn't have any memory loss and we all realize that Blaine is faking it.
The writers of this show are giving a seminar on pacing
And what happened to Dr. Cupps. She was totally missing again.
I know, I think there might be some logical trepidation on their part. Like maybe they like their soldiers to be death proof.
How about One Tin Soldier, from the Legend of Billy Jack?!?!
Best Brain Ever!
I think its more than that. I'm sure that I would be even more freaked out if I knew the girl that i had been getting serious with was now having relations with a former serial killer.
Maybe. I can't remember now. but i wouldn't mind seeing a timeline that not only included clive/anna/ wally. but also the retreat. and this just brought up to me. Were Liv and Blaine already zombies by then? Did Blaine already have Meat Cute running? It seems like yes to those. right? we are led to believe that Blaine…
Where did Major get the Zoomba Brain from?
Nice call back, Liv is still on Father Knows Best Brain.