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    At some point Ravi told Liv that he had locks on the store room to keep the night shift out. It could be that he stopped using them, but maybe more likely that when he was banned from the lab Liv had to go in there to feed them and the new guys were aware of it.
    I'm still thinking Blaine was faking it from the start.

    One more example of really good writing. there are just as many fans convinced he isn't faking it.

    Yeah, but it was just on the radio.

    I thought it was cool that they gave her time to grieve off screen.

    Yeah, i was thinking about that. or maybe Ravi and his old boss working together at that end.

    Speaking of Neptune High…
    I just saw Sheriff Mars on an episode of Madame Secretary.
    And when do we get to see Mac??!!

    Comic book is in Eugene. but maybe that's where Zombie High is. I am reading the comic books now. but i haven't seen the Zombie high episode in a while.

    The barista recognized Major and just wanted to give him a hard time.

    I read in an article that strongly hinted that they have dropped them cause of limitations in time. They just didn't have any space for another story line.
    I also remember that they had her family (maybe even a father) contracted as re-occuring characters last season and even shot some of the scenes.
    So yeah, I

    I wonder if he is sending Payton the threatening tweets.

    Its shot in Vancouver but the setting is Seattle. Vancouver is very film industry friendly. Sci fi channel and CW do a lot of shows up there.
    iZombie actual poked a little big of fun at that…. it was the Zombie High episode and Ravi wonders out loud why Zombie High is shot in Seattle but its supposed to be Portland.

    Nope not even close. The last episode of Season one - Major is wearing the sweatshirt.

    Oh my gosh! great pick up. But… maybe Vivian made up that story and used Equatorial Kundu as a place because she is a big Sorkin fan.

    Just got the Feeling Like an OJ

    Rob Thomas does really understand crafting mysteries. Bread Crumbs or red herring?

    I am pretty sure that Zombies can't eat the brains of other Zombies. (and thats why they don't eat each other. and in the preview Liv describes the next to brains as a father and daughter - and the daughter is 15.

    And Melanie says, "Wake everyone up." And Ptolemy goes and off screen you can hear him say "wake up!"
    but then they leave in the car with the same 4 people who were awake in the first place.

    I thought it was an impersonation of Kermit.

    the line "there is always a fight" was great. but there was another I liked but now I can't remember the third line. It was the cheer Carrie made"
    You are me,
    I am you,

    I read somewhere that they are hoping for 4 seasons. and that the seasons would move to different locales. Next year: wall street. Personally I can't believe they can keep up the story that long. but so far so good.