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    Easy to overlook this, but how about this line?
    Vaughn to creepy scientist guy, "You can't write stuff like this."

    At the end of the last episode, i was totally invested in "who killed Nate?" so glad they resolved that. And at first I thought it was Nate, then i thought it wasn't. so the show fooled me good.

    latter, I think its that, doing a blood transfusion is a hospital. no way they were going to not figure out she's a zombie. And making Evan into a zombie on the QT would ring way too many alarm bells.
    Whether he dies or not. She has now alienated her mom. And now has another regret.

    In an interview the writers say its iffy. depends on if the actress is available and affordable. but i want her to come back. For Ravi's sake.

    In that same interviewed he also said there would probably be side effects.

    According to the writers, its a bit iffy. Thats why they left the big question mark at the end of the last episode. they can write it either way, depending on the actress being available and affordable.
    but i hope she is back.

    I think it was just her trying to be unselfish and noble. but then … who asked this question: does she cure him because she wants to or because he wants it. Anyway, it can really mess with your mind if you think about it.
    And then with her brother, she has to really regret not curing herself. whew.

    My take on it is that Zombies is a virus and that once your body has the antibodies for it you are immune. Anyway, its got to be something like that or else Liv wouldn't have "wasted" a dose on him.
    It also makes me think that a cured zombie would be an excellent way to develop more of the cure.
    I just watched an

    I don't think the point is that you don't care about Evan. but that Liv does. Now she has another reason to regret not using the cure on herself. And even more distance between her and her family. she may have lost Payton, too. Even Ravi might be mad at her for using up the cure.

    Ok, here is something sort of interesting. In episode 2, when Liv tells Clive the police have arrested the wrong man, Clive says to Liv, "When you got this vision were you holding an apple bong?" Then in this episode she has a vision - and she is holding an apple bong. Nice one, show!

    Man. This is really bugging me. I just watched this for the third time!
    So if it wasn't Sebastian who killed Nate, Who Was It?
    Who lured Theresa to the motel room? And was that Cameron's blood on the pillow?
    So, here is my theory:
    Nate or Cameron stole Sebastian's wallet. which has the flash drive in it. Sebastian calls

    I liked it. The actress who plays the main character is very hot. and wears a cat-woman suit. so I probably would have watched it right to the end regardless of its quality. Its more Fringe - like than anything else. In fact the machine they use to solve crimes is right out of Fringe.

    I'm hoping she is waiting at Clive's desk when he gets back to the precinct. And that she hasn't run into Clive's boss in the process. Although I'm hoping that clive's boss gets a chance to redeem himself. So maybe this all works itself out.

    Well, Major was the Starting Safety for U of W. So a case could be made that he isn't that smart (or brain damaged). but I rather like to think of him as determined. He is going to get justice for his boys. He has already tried the police ( a few times) and Liv. Now he is doing it alone.

    Oh, and a touch of Buffy?

    Oh my. thanks. totally forgot about the folklore. but wasn't it Haitian - not Cuban. Night of the Living Dead was made in the late 60s. I hadn't realized it was that old.

    That's a reference to "one Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".


    Nate killed the last two teenagers.
    Babano and Liv probably have that figured out already.

    And… Vampires have a literary origin. Stoker's novel is a classic. Zombies came from a 70s B movie.