Lou Zucaro

Camera glitch wouldn't explain why the "beam" starts at the top of the pyramid and goes up, rather than goingh through that entire vertical path of the whole photo (as in down through the pyramid, wall and kid(s)).

Yeah, I installed MeeGo on a Toshiba netbook a couple weeks ago. I was surprised it worked, since I couldn't get the previous version or any version of Ubuntu to work on it.

So cool, thanks Kat! I'm gonna get the one front-left when it's released. Such a great, simple design, although it would be perfect if it had a power cord so that you could charge it while it sits in there.

@AqueousBeef, the Estate Tax is bullshit. Sorry, but tax has already been paid on that money...why should it be taxed AGAIN at a ridiculous rate? It's theft of private funds by the government, plain and simple.

I'ma agree that it might be better with a buttery-toasted brioche bun than the bread circles, and, personally, I could do without the ketchup gel (WAY too much ketchup for my liking), but otherwise, it looks like something that'd be fun to try. Once.

Hey! It looks like Pete Postlethwaite! Nifty.

It's not a class system because it's not a SOCIETY, it's a company. A business. A business that has different functionality / information segregated into different areas, with different levels of clearance.

Nice idea...especially if one of the DVDs is "Team America World Police".

Sorry, but Andrew Wilson comes off as a whiny cry-baby who likes to cause trouble for no reason and who thinks his ideals are "correct."

The biggest problem with WP7 is the browser. It's really not good. It doesn't display a LOT of CSS correctly, and therefore sites just look wrong on it.

Monty, the only reason the IIgs didn't do well is because Apple downplayed how awesome it was to try to sell more Macs. I still have 2 IIgs machines, both in great working condition. They were amazing machines in their day.

bieber, where did you learn how to troll? You pretty much suck at it. And if you're not trolling, well, then you have worse taste than what the article is about in the first place.

What is this? Very nice.

As somebody who doesn't like Apple, I can tell you that, personally, I have no problem with their design. They have very talented designers working for them, and they generally make very nice looking products.

Matt...960x640 isn't "double-res" 480x320, but "quadruple-res" (2x each of two axes). I dunno why people always get that wrong.

@BlueBeard: That game on 'House' was brilliant. I wanted to play it. I guarantee somebody's gonna run with that idea. Especially given how boring it is to play the same hulking military guys over and over, getting to play your choice of sentient animal-based creatures would a nice change.

@Random434: Plus, I'm almost POSITIVE that Dr. Rush said "I would gladly help you restore the Ancient communication device, if it wasn't for a tragic knee accident I sustained while playing High School football."

@Starlionblue: Heh, I know what you're saying, but it's hard to discount him as a bad guy.

I think Eli is a great character because he's not just the voice of the audience, he IS the audience. He's the ordinary guy who likes sci-fi and plays video games, who's been let in on the secret. He's the guy we wish we could be when we wish that the Stargate program is really real, in that sense.