
I wasn’t aware America was even trying to prop up the Syrian regime, eliminate the rebels, or decimate populated civilian areas with dumb bombing. If that’s the case, then I guess congratulations are indeed in order.

I disagree with that. Most of the people here have civilized discussions and provide facts to boost their arguments. There are plenty of great discussion here.

You too have proven my point.

You have just proven my point. Well done.

I’ve seen the Croatian coat of arms and the latin letters in the background; along with the knowledge of the fact that Russian doesn’t use them any more. The only reason I have posted is for shit and giggles. You know, a joke for those who are not butthurt.

You are just proving my point. Anyone could accomplish that with indiscriminate bombing and actual support from ground forces.

Russian rednecks.

The reason why we can’t have nice Russian thing on this site is that most Russians or their fans who visit this website are butthurt over Russia being a bad guy. Every goddamned Russia or Syria related FA article has Putinbots trying to spin things around with nonsense arguments and whataboutism.

Hi, my name is Vlad. Welcome to Jackasski.

Looks like a semi-desperate recruitment attempt, or the poor bastards are trying really hard to raise cash!

“They did what?”

Absolutely awesome.

Guess you didn’t know there is plenty of declassified testing footage on youtube nowadays... no reason to go full retard here when you can just watch those.

I am 48 and spent half my life in the military. I know more about the Cold War than you will ever know.

The South also doesnt want to deal with millions of malnourished, brainwashed, midgets.

So if anyone cares:

You should probably professional mental health help - you sound sick.

The actual tanks of South Korea are cool. The bulk of their armor inventory consists of the K1 tank:

Depends on what the North Koreans did to precipitate it. China seems to be growing tired of their bullshit. China also knows full well that the US could have razed NK at any time and hasn’t because they haven’t done anything to deserve it.

Thank you for your service