
Auguste Rodin/Camille Claudel, Eduard Manet/Berthe Morisot (Morisot was married to Manet’s brother, and though Manet did not steal from her, he regularly painted over her works in order to ‘improve’ them), Walter Keane/Margaret Keane, much of Artemisia Gentileschi’s work was mistakenly attributed to her father by

i hope that she gets what she deserves out of this situation, but it is so disheartening that he would straight up steal her idea and took it a step further by getting funding for it. how did he think he would get away with that, his other “work” should be checked because it probably wasn’t his to begin with. i

Just another entry in the long-established history of male artists stealing the work of female artists, who are also inherently less visible due to the structure of the art world as a whole.

I have a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s in writing. And I get crap all the time for the following fact, but I do not care: Stephen King is hands-down my favorite writer. I’ve read and enjoyed almost all his work. He’s obviously not going to expand your vocabulary or challenge your comprehension, but what

The Shining is a must—the movie pales in comparison to the writing and suspense in the book. My all time favorite novel of his.

Yes, Carrie is great too!

Carrie is the only one I’ve read and I would go as far as to say that’s one of my favourite books ever. It’s fantastic.

Certain of his books are really, really good. Others were written during cocaine and alcohol-fueled binges (Cujo, Tommyknockers) that they really don’t hold up well. King apparently doesn’t remember writing Cujo, since he was blackout drunk during most of the writing process.

I am a person who got pregnant as a result of a rape. And I say this guy can go fuck himself.

Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.

I thought it was really relaxing? Am I weird for that? My heart swelled when they cut to the sunset, thought that was neat.

Fat people exercise, too.

I’ve taken one SoulCycle class. (I’m an outdoor cyclist and have taken thousands of regular spinning classes, but one SoulCycle class was enough for me - the branding doesn’t justify the expense. Two SoulCycle classes cost more than my monthly gym membership and spin classes don’t cost extra at my gym.) There were

Yeah, it’s like... people think that if they’re self-aware about their faults, that means that they don’t have to do anything about them. I’m not saying we should be perfectionists, but also, trying *not* to give into your asshole-ish tendencies is also helpful for everyone who has to interact with you.

It's good that you're able to view your sex life this way, but you also have to accept that not everyone shares your view. For many, many, MANY people, this is a line that's very sensitive to cross, and it's sort of mean to dismiss their feelings as "petty chick stuff." There are literally millions of people out there

I'm being flippant here and borrowing the language repeated in the article, but yeah, I really don't hold out that there are these ~super real one in a lifetime connections~ with human beings that you must date them at all costs.

Hmm....It isn't usually me that saves the money. I tend to be the one that wants the entree and the appetizer. Seems rude to make my friends pay for something I wanted.

I really don't see what's so wrong with adding up what you got and paying for it. If you're on a budget it shouldn't be considered rude to try and stick to your budget when you go out to eat. Wine and appetizers and dessert can make a meal get expensive quick. I dunno, maybe it's because all my friends are in their